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  • Writer's pictureDrasayer

Green Broke

Featured: Justin and Jarin

"Green broke horse: A green broke horse is one who has recently learned to accept a rider on his back, or to be "under saddle." But “green broke” has various shades of meaning. The only way to know what a horse knows is to spend some time with him so you can map a training path. At a minimum, you know he's inexperienced."

Jarin remembered looking that term up on his phone when he overheard Sydney and Justin chatting about a certain horse they had been looking at to buy. Justin didn't seem too bothered by the fact, "Ain't nothin' wrong with a green broke horse. Jus' needs some guidance from a trained hand is all." Sydney, though a fine trainer, didn't seem that enthused about it. Justin chuckled and slapped Jarin on the back, "Kinda like ol' Jar-bear here!" ...Jarin snapped back in the moment as Justin put a hand on the wall Jarin was leaned up against. He leaned in close and smirked, "Now, ain't that somethin' sweet? Got ourselves a red rose." He added a wink. Jarin blushed harder, pushing him away, "I can't help that!" Justin chuckled again, "Ain't nothin' to be embarrassed 'bout." He stepped close again, running his thumb up Jarin's jaw to tip his face up. He looked down into Jarin's eyes with his piercing blue eyes shadowed by his cowboy hat he insisted on wearing everywhere he went. His teeth glinted, "You know what it means don't ya?" Jarin furrowed his brow and stuck his bottom lip out in a pout. He didn't like how touchy Justin was being. This guy didn't understand the first thing about personal space. Jarin flipped his head to the side and glared back at Justin. He looked him up and down...he couldn't take on someone like Justin. They were about the same height but there was no way Jarin could take Justin's stout frame. Jarin's eyes paused on the crotch of his jeans...just because he was stronger didn't mean Jarin had to play by the same rules.  Justin saw where Jarin's eyes went. He bumped his eyebrows suggestively, "Want me to send you the picture I sent your moms? Or did you want to take one in person?" Jarin's eyes flicked up to Justin. He growled and clenched his fists. He wasn't a fighter by nature but something about that guy really dug at Jarin. (Mostly because he sent a dick pic to his moms...) He had no bounds... Justin pushed up even closer, a fraction of a centimeter from Jarin's face, "Oooo, sweet baby, there's that blush of yours again. Mmmm, lemme tell you what that means. Means I get your blood pumping." Justin latched an arm behind Jarin and pulled him into his lips. He pressed Jarin back up to the wall and twisted his head, really driving into Jarin.  Jarin squealed and squirmed. When Justin finally let his face go, Jarin panted off to the side, wiping the spit off his lips, "What was that!?" Justin turned Jarin's head back to face him again, "That, lil' greenhorn, was a gift." Jarin slapped a hand over Justin's mouth as he was about to lean in from a second time, "N-n-no! W-w-wait! I-I-'m not-" Justin smiled and pulled Jarin's hand down, "It's okay, baby girl, I got you. I'll break you in real sweet like. Take our time. Build a foundation." Jarin slapped his other hand over his face, squealing, "NO I CAN'T! I-I-I'm a virgin! I don't do those things!! I'm not ready to get married!" Justin pulled the second hand from his face and held both of Jarin's hands. He kissed the back of each one of them, "You don't think I'm marriage material?" Jarin was bright red by this point. He was backed so hard into the wall that he might actually break a hole through it. Where was all of this coming from so suddenly!? Last he knew, Justin was just an annoying friend of Sydney's that wouldn't leave him alone and had horrible manners in regards to his mothers! Now he was holding his hands and was he...proposing? That was the only reasonable conclusion if he was suggesting something so sacred like....intercourse Justin raised Jarin's hands and pressed them to the wall, leaning in and kissing Jarin again, slow and smooth. "I'm a real provider, ya know? I'd take care of ya no matter what. Treat ya real nice. Not like those other guys." Jarin paused. His expression softened and turned into more concern than shock, " mean that?" Justin pulled Jarin from the wall and put Jarin's hands around his waist. He wrapped his sturdy arms around Jarin and locked him in like he was keeping him safe. He looked deep into Jarin's hopeless expression. He never faltered, "'Course I mean it. Lemme show you..."  Justin spun the both of them around and pushed Jarin over onto the silky sheets of the bed. Justin was already pushed up between Jarin's thighs before he could panic and try to shut him out. He stroked a hand around Jarin's cheek and drew him in for another kiss. Jarin was about to fight back again but he sort of lost himself in his words. Would he really do all of those things?  Justin pulled back when he felt Jarin tremble under him. Justin looked a little worried. He didn't mean to scare the lil' guy that much. He thought he had been pretty smooth but some of those virgins were tough shells to crack. Had to be real careful with them or they bolted. He leaned back with a steady smile.  Jarin tapped his fingers together and shifted his gaze away from Justin... Justin's smile turned cockier the redder Jarin's cheeks got. He had him. He was cracked. It was only a matter of time before- "Show me..." "Hm?" Justin leaned in to hear Jarin again. Jarin kept looking away, beyond nervous. He put a shaky hand on Justin's chest and said it again, "I-I said sh-show me. Treat me nice." Justin felt like his jeans might explode right then. What an absolutely adorable response. It wasn't long before he had them both stripped down naked and rolling in the sheets. Foreplay was just as important as game time. Justin had Jarin pulled on top of him, already showing him that kissing was done with more than just lips. Jarin pulled away, stringing saliva between their mouths. Justin took a handful of Jarin's butt with a firm squeeze, "Oh baby, whatchu got stored back there?" Jarin moaned and arched his back in response. His body was on fire! It was like the room was on fire or they were in a sauna! Justin was right! He got his blood pumping! His body was all tingles!  Justin was all ears, "Oooh, shit, Greenie. You gon' be a kinky shit?" Jarin shook his head, "I don't even know what that means!" Justin chuckled, "Ah, we've got plenty of time to figure that out. Let's just start you off with the basics, aight?" Jarin's lip trembled, "And you'll be nice?" Justin rolled them both over and pulled Jarin to the edge of the bed. He hopped off the bed lingered over Jarin's body for a moment longer, "Oh, I'll be more than nice. I ain't no real gentleman but I'm all man." Jarin's moans were what angels sounded like, singing in heaven. Justin leaned back and enjoyed the sight before him. Captain Virginity reigned no more as he arched his back and cried for more. "Yer a green broke bitch now, baby girl." "Imma wha..." Jarin asked. Justin sounded so far away. Green broke? Did that mean there would be another time? Didn't this mean they were married? Wasn't that how sex worked? Jarin wanted to turn over and ask again but he felt like he might fall over if he did.  Wait.... Marry.....JUSTIN!? Jarin's eyes snapped open. His organs were frozen in place as his eyes darted around the room to figure out where the hell he was. He was not in some strange room anymore! He sat up from his awkward position and noticed he was still at his house on his couch(which doubled as his bed). He sat back in silence for a moment... Oh it was a dream? Jarin didn't know if he was actually relieved by that. He contemplated what the hell a dream like that could even mean!?  Justin was an asshole! He'd never marry someone like that! It was just a dream! But why did he even do those things in his dream!? Jarin had never even watched a porno! He didn't even know if that's how two guys went together! That definitely explained why there were some vague parts to the dream! NOT THAT HE WANTED CLARIFICATION!!! Jarin was steaming, he was so embarassed and mortified at whatever the hell that dream was! There was no bleach strong enough to scrub that image from his membrane. It was something he was stuck with for eternity now. He was so thankful for a knock at his door. It meant he could focus on something other than questioning his mental health. Jarin opened his front door...and found horror. There was Justin, cocky smirk and all. (At least he was clothed?) Justin gave a little wave, "Ey, Syd wanted to drop by and give you a ride to the stables if ya wanted." "YOU WILL NEVER HAVE MY VIRGINITY, ASSHOLE!" Jarin rammed his leg up between Justin's legs so hard, he was sure he heard a snap, quickly followed by a blood-curdling scream. He slammed the door shut and ran to the back room where he huddled with his Afghan Hound, Griff. NoDream or not...he wasn't taking any chances!

It's still unclear to this day if Justin will still be able to father any children. As for Sydney that witnessed Justin being impaled by his own dick shoved up into his body...well, that's just say Sydney had never laughed harder in his entire life. A mixture of hysterical laughing and pained screams rolled across the landscape that day...Justin walked sideways around Jarin from then on...
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