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  • Writer's pictureDrasayer

Set Your World On Fire

Original dA post:

Drip…clack clomp clack…drip…clack clomp clack…drip

Jarin grabbed his elbows and rubbed his arms. It was so cold. He grabbed the collar of his coat and pulled it closer to his neck, shivering. He looked over to his side with a concerned look. He had only met Tequila Brannon, Sydney’s sister, a couple of times. She was absolutely gorgeous and very proud of her body. Jarin didn’t believe a lady had to cover herself up but surely a skirt wasn’t the right choice of apparel for this place.

They had been out on a simple mission to check on a horse that hadn’t made it to the barn. Simple enough, they should be able to find it on foot. But then the snow picked up and then it turned into a blizzard! They quickly had given up finding the horse and sought shelter! They came across a deep cavern that seemed big enough to keep them out of the elements. Only, the elements were too mighty and collapsed the front entrance. The pair of them screamed and headed deep into the cave before they were crushed under tons of ice!

And there they were…

Trapped. With no sounds but their footsteps and the drip of the icy stalactites. Their only choice was to head deeper into the cave where they could see light so maybe an exit?

“Tequila, aren’t you cold?” Jarin asked.

Tequila looked over to Jarin with a shrug, “Nah, I’ve got the hot blood from the Texas sun warmin’ me. Ain’t no cold gonna stop me, sweet baby.” She bumped him with her hip.

“Are you sure? It’s freezing!” Jarin had on his thick winter coat and snow boots and he was still way too cold. He figured if she was from the hot state of Texas, she would be even colder! But she wasn’t even shivering. But he noticed her red nose and fingers, sure signs she was actually cold. Maybe she was just tough like her older brother. Equally, Jarin didn’t really want to give up his coat either or he really would freeze to death. He’d just have to take her word for it for now.

Deeper and deeper they traveled.

Tequila slipped on the ice a little and squealed. She grabbed Jarin’s arm to steady herself and sighed with relief. “Aw, sweet baby, you saved me!”

Jarin had frozen and didn’t want to touch her! She was too pretty and he didn’t want to accidentally ruin her pretty hair! “How do you even walk in those shoes, Tequila. Be careful,” he said with concern.

Tequila flipped her mass over hair over her shoulder, “You’re too sweet. Let me hold onto your arm a bit longer?”

Jarin blushed, “O-okay, i-if you need to!” He wasn’t used to a girl wanting to grab onto him! His heart was pounding as they walked on. He didn’t want to slip and bring them both down. He had never felt this manly in his life! His every step determined their fate! He wouldn’t let a pretty lady fall!

“Mmmm, you’re so warm, Jarin. Let me use your pockets, myea?” Tequila chuckled and shoved her hands into his pockets, hugging him from behind. “Oh, yea,” she sighed seductively, “So hot.”

Jarin swallowed hard. Despite her saying he was warm, a shiver ran down his spine, feeling her pressed up behind him. “U-uuh-uh!” He didn’t know what to say! He didn’t mind sharing but this position!? “T-t-tequila-“

Jarin watched as she took her hands back out of his pockets before he had to come up with a garble of words. He felt a little relieved but guilty that he might have made her upset. He stepped around to apologize, his eyes widening. “Wh-what are you doing!?”

Tequila leaned her head back, fanning her neck. “Ugh, it’s so hot.” She grabbed a button on her shirt and undid it. She freed another one, freeing herself from it.

Jarin lunged to her and grabbed her shirt. He pulled it shut, cheeks blaring crimson, “D-Don’t do that! You’ll freeze!”

Tequila looked up through her long lashes. She grinned dangerously, “Mmmm, sweet baby. You’re making me so hot.” She leaned forward, pushing herself into him and grabbing his red cheeks, “I’m on fire.

Jarin squealed like a woman and bolted backwards! He had narrowly escaped the red lips closing in on his own! He slipped on the ice floor and hit the ground so hard, his ass cracked the ice beneath him. He rubbed his sore back and looked back up at Tequila.

Tequila stomped over to him, straddling him, those frisky green eyes nailing him to the floor. She finished unbuttoning her shirt, pulling it apart to finally get some relief. She rubbed her hands over her bare perky nipples, picking them up and letting them bounce back into place, “Oh, Jarin, my lil’ sweet ice tea, let me drink you up, baby.”

Jarin was screaming and scrambling backwards like his own ass had been lit on fire! “N-n-n-no! Don’t drink me! I-I-I’m not a drink! No!”

Tequila giggled and unwound the rope at her hip. It was for catching the horse they were after, but she saw a new mount she wanted to ride. “C’mere, baby! Let me warm you up! You don’t need that silly coat, I’ll set your world on fire.” She bit her lip and pursued him.

Jarin flipped over and skittered to his feet, slipping and sliding to get any traction! Why was she like this! She should be freezing!! “You need to put your clothes back on!”

Tequila twirled the lasso, “Then let me wear yours.” She flung the lasso and yanked.

Jarin screamed as his knees were taken out from under him. He wriggled and squirmed but she was on him too quick! She grabbed his arm and before he could register what was happening, she had him roped like a calf. Jarin thrashed more, “N-No! I need these clothes! You need your too!”

Jarin reached down and grabbed the g-string poking out of Jarin’s pants. She gave a hard pull and snap making Jarin buck. She laughed and pulled her rope harder like she was riding a bronc, bringing him down again, “Yea, baby! I’m gonna work you so hard, you’ll never be cold again! Just look how hot you’ve made me! Take it off!”

Jarin felt her ice-cold hands running down his back, pulling his coat up. Her nails scratched down his soft skin like a firm bite. She was going to skin him alive!!

Jarin screamed and humped up with all his might to shake the woman!

Abe squealed at the top of his horse lungs at the pile of human suddenly screaming into life again. He jumped high and mighty into the air, tucking his tail underneath him. He clattered into the hay manger and tried to climb the wall of his stall! He nearly did but the bars were too slick! He squealed again and fell backwards, flipping over the hay manger and splattering onto the floor of the stall right next to Jarin.

Jarin, in the meantime, had balled into fetal position, squealing like a little woman. When all went still, he poked his head out of his coat and saw two wide blue eyes staring back at him with flared nostrils huffing at him. They were both shaking like leaves in the autumn breeze.

A dream.

That’s right. Jarin had been cleaning Abe’s stall but with his coat on, he had gotten too warm. Like a cat in a sunbeam, Jarin laid down and was out like a light. Abe most have nudged him and startled him out of that terrible nightmare. Jarin sighed heavily and patted poor Abe’s nose. He laid out on his back, relieved she didn’t actually try to peel his flesh off of him.

Abe was too exhausted to try and comprehend what had happened. All he had done was try to sample the coat. Apparently the humans didn’t like that… He laid back and rested his head on Jarin’s chest. He needed a nap after that startle.

Jarin hugged Abe’s face, feeling much the same. This time…no Brannons in his dream. And why a thong!? He blamed Sydney for even mentioning those things around him. Who would want to wear those!?

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