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  • Writer's pictureDrasayer

Happy Easter Fools

Featured: Justin, Jarin, Shaleigha, Sydney

"Okay, places, people!" Jennie called. Jennie, being the fine young business woman she was, wouldn't miss an opportunity as gold as this. Easter falling on April Fool's day!? Of course she had something devilish planned for the staff members. They didn't know it, but the photoshoot was just a gag. She wasn't actually going to post her staff members in Playboy Bunny suits all over the internet. What a terrible idea for a business if it wanted any sort of reputation, that is. But the boys and Shaleigha didn't need to know that. For all they knew, this was just another publicity act.  Justin thought this was great. A tiny little suit that the hot chicks wore? Hell yea. He wasn't bashful or shy to share his body around. He was damn proud, in fact. He made a gorgeous bunny, beard and all.  Sydney on the other hand...wasn't bashful about being mostly naked. Hell, he had the body of a god. What did he have to hide. But the suit hardly fit him. If he so much a sneeze or even made the pass for a fart, he'd rip the little red suit in half. Not to mention, it was starting to chaf his nuts. How the fuck did women wear shit up their ass cracks like this and make it look so damn hot? Shaleigha thought it was all good fun! She didn't get to hang out with the Western Branch staff members often. She thought this was a lot of fun! She got to be "Hugh Hefner." She had on her velvet robe and commander's hat and nothing else. She felt awesome! She smiled at the boys, "Love the nails, boys." Justin twinkled his hand and waved, "Oh, you~"  Sydney paused from picking at the stupid nail polish. He didn't like it. Smelled awful.  Shaleigha giggled and looked around, "Wasn't Jarin going to be here too?" Both Sydney and Justin were a bit...awkward...about the topic of Jarin. Sydney darkened over and passed the opportunity to say anything. Justin laughed nervously, noticing he had been handed the torch. "Uhh...where could that little critter have gone? Huh?" awkward... Shaleigha felt the awkward tension with the guys and decided to just go and venture for herself to find him. He couldn't be far and the photoshoot was due. Shaleigha heard something rattling in one of the changing booths. She smiled and peeked in, "Jarin?" Jarin squealed and tried to smash himself further into the corner of the stall, covering his face. He didn't want to be there! He didn't want to come out! He thought 'Easter Pictures' meant with the Easter Bunny! NOT BEING THE BUNNY! AND WHAT BUNNY DRESSES LIKE THIS!?!?  Shaleigha stepped into the little stall, crouching down to Jarin, "You're like a little Easter egg!" She chuckled and patted his head. She had spent some time with him in the Bahamas briefly. She remembered he could be a bit timid and bashful at first. But Shaleigha was calm and unchanging which helped to soothe the situation.  Jarin relaxed a little, looking up at Shaleigha. She was so cool. She was also very naked under that robe...SHE WAS ALSO VERY NAKED UNDER THAT ROBE!!! Jarin about shoved himself through the wall of the stall, squealing and scrambling to get away, covering his eyes, "Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" Shaleigha glanced down at her exposed body. The robe had drifted open. Oops. She smiled and shrugged the robe back onto her shoulder, "Guess you found your own easter egg, huh?" She chuckled and took his wrists, "Come one, my little bunny! We have a photoshoot to do!" She gave him a firm tug and got him to his feet. She reached up and straightened his bunny ears.  Jarin shook his head, "No way! I can't go out there!" Shaleigha pulled his arms down from his face, "It's the only way we can please the Easter Bunny gods, Jarin." Even Jarin looked skeptic..."Easter Bunny gods...?" Shaleigha looked serious, giving a nod. "If we don't sacrifice our dignity for the Easter Bunny gods, our salaries will be half." Jarin's eyes widened at the horror. He was hardly making enough to even afford ketchup on his own! He couldn't take a 50% decrease now!! He made his resolve and finally stepped out into the light. The sun beamed off his brilliant pink bunny suit which shined amongst the freshly bloomed flowers.  Sydney snorted, getting a look at Jarin. At least he wasn't stuck in the pink suit. Justin stepped to the side, trying not to be awkward. Jennie gathered them around and passed out a small cup of water to each of them, "You all are looking all dried up! Let's get some water and our camera man should be here soon." She turned back to fix up the stage for the photoshoots. The moment her back was turned, she about busted a gut laughing. She had to silently laugh or they would catch onto her little plan.  The four of them all took their drinks. Jarin kept his head down, avoiding all eye contact. He was here for the pay! Justin avoided Jarin and talked with Shaleigha instead, striking up a conversation about trucks and which one she'd like best. Shaleigha had no idea how to answer any of Justin's questions. She didn't really drive...or have interest in trucks. But Justin seemed invested so she tried her best. Sydney stared off into a void, waiting for this to all be over before he couldn't feel his balls anymore. A few minutes passed and everyone started feeling warm. Really warm. To the point, Shaleigha, a Hawaiian native even started fanning her robe. She looked up into the sky, "Boy, summer already?" Justin fanned his finely manicured hand, "Hotter than Satan's buttcrack on a mid-July afternoon in the middle of a crowded Texas church mass on a Sunday morning." He got his point across. "Ain't that right, Syd?" Justin glanced over to Sydney and saw him doubled over, "Syd?"  Sydney usually did just fine with heat, a Texas native. But just now...holy shit. "Fuck me, I can't feel my balls in this thing. It's like a goddamn foil packet. Ugh." Sydney wiped his forehead and just got hotter. He shoved his hair out of his face and paused...he had cut his hair for spring shouldn't be this long... Justin giggled and noticed something odd... "Syd...your ass looks really good..." Sydney looked over his shoulder, "Been workin' out, dipshit." "Naw, naw, naw, like...really good," Justin clarified. He stepped closer to examine. He patted Sydney's butt and yep...that was a nice booty. "What the f-" Jarin yelped, breaking up the awkward bros.  Everyone looked over and saw...weird lumps growing from Jarin's chest that he had screamed about. He tried shoving them down but they just kept growing! He staggered and looked around to his hips. They were growing at high rates too!! Justin and Sydney stared without reserve. They were fascinated by what they were watching. They didn't even realize their own bodies turning. Shaleigha noticed. She watched her robe shrink down where her boobs used to be. Her eyes widened at the feeling of something dangling between her legs. She slowly pulled the robe out and glanced down... "Huh..." That was undoubtedly a different set of anatomy down there... She wiggled her hips, flopping the flaccid dick back and forth. She gave a hop, watching it flop. She let the robe settle back over her and stared out at the others. This was...something she had not expected.  "Okay! Places, people, he's he-EEEEERE!?!" Jennie turned around and staggered backwards at the sight! All of her "she's" were now "he's" and the "he's" were "she's"!! The whole group looked stunned. There was nothing but a quiet breeze and five sets of bewildered eyes...  "Okay, so can Hef sit in the chair..." the photographer broke the silence, stepping out of their car. They had no idea... Shaleigh"o" glanced over to the chair and looked at his masculine body again. since in wasting daylight. He walked over to the chair and plopped down. "Oh god..." He split his knees apart, feeling very uncomfortable with them together. That was unpleasant. He felt like he had a weird roll of sausage stuck between his legs. A sensitive one.  "Okay, ladies," the photographer directed, "Two on each side. Hef, who's your favorite bunny? We'll have her in your lap, okay?" Justin"a" was far too busy checking herself out. Damn! She made a fine looking woman! She flipped her thick brown hair over her shoulder and put her hands on her hips. She sauntered over to Shaleigho with a a powerful catwalk. She bumped her hip on Shaleigho's shoulder and winked, "Well, howdy there, captain." Shaleigha grinned up at Justin. She was fabulous.  Sydney was much the same. She squeezed her own boobs, smiling so happily. These...were all hers! She could touch them all she wanted and didn't have to hear some whiny response from a woman! She looked up to Justin, "Boobs!!" Justina nodded happily, squeezing her own in response! These were great!!  But Shaleigho had found the best bunny. That went without question. The hunk of meat between his legs knew it too. He grinned and reached forward, snagging Jarin by her massive hips. He pulled her forward onto her lap, "There's my little bunny." Jarin squealed which was much more high pitched. She had not fully adjusted to whatever just happened to her body! This was weird! Weird! WEIRD! Her body had not only been altered but flourished. She had been blessed with a rack that could strangle a man. And an ass with plenty of cushion for the pushin'. Damn. She was one blessed woman. The full package. The best bunny.  Jarin blushed and tried to keep from sitting on Shaleigho, afraid of crushing him with her curves. "Nononono! Wait! The leggings! Hang on! They're too-" Shalegho chuckled and kept pulling her onto his lap. She was too adorable when flustered, "For the money, Jarin!" "For the money!" They all chanted as they got into place for the photo.  And just as Jarin plopped down into Shaleigho's lap, there was a horrendous rrRRRIIIIP! Sydney and Justina's eyes darted down to Jarin's massive ass. The poor leggings never stood a chance. Shaleigho grinned , looking up at Jarin. Oops. He expected nothing less from the best bunny. Jarin slowly turned her head. She knew exactly what had just happened...but she didn't want to see... but she had to... One might have thought being the "best bunny", she'd have clothes that actually fit...

Shaleigha turned over in her bed and yawned. She scratched her cheek and cracked an eye to see what time it was. She still had a spare ten minutes... Just enough time to review that weird dream. She snorted and chuckled, brushing a hand over her completely nude body. Yep, two boobs and no dangling genitalia between her legs. As if they could just swap genders like that. Shaleigha had done some pretty trippy, exotic drugs before but nothing that could be that strong. Still... She had made a pretty hot dude. And Jarin... damn. Jarin made a fine woman. She'd tell him about that dream one day and laugh her ass off about it. He'd never be called anything but 'Bunny' again! 

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