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Appearing Characters

The layout of your favorite lovers. (Or not)

        - happy-go-lucky
        - oblivious to things that should be obvious
        - "Googles" everything (would die if not for the internet)
            *Only when he has not lost or broken his phone...
        - bashful (don't talk about sex or butts...)
        - painfully socially awkward
        - his moms' numbers are the only number in his phone
            *Tristan has been added since
            *Would keep Sydney's if he actually used his phone...
        - cannot control tears when overemotional (mad, happy, sad)
        - no one knows where he gets money...
        - just wants to blend in and "be normal" (fails at it every time) 
        - although, he takes stress and negativity pretty well, he does have his limits and when he breaks, he shatters. 
        - slightly addicted to running: runs at least 2 hours of the day and has no problem adding more
            *no run, no ride
        -has a tendency to lose all of his shit...might be in his house, might be in someone's car, a stall, who knows?
        -does not hate the color pink...does not prefer it one him...


        - solely as western rider - wouldn't be caught dead in the "tight pants"
        - thinks helmets are for nerds
        - likes taking the spotlight
        - sore loser
        - generally starts off as a nice guy but has a short fuse on his temper
        - not easily impressed
        - doesn't play well with others when he's trying to work (especially not Tristan Ennerstone...)
        - tries very hard to get things exactly right (borderline perfectionist) 
        - territorial
        - likes to whine about not being treated like a god, but at the same time doesn't like to be treated "nicely" like a girl
        - some might say he's an "asshole" but he thinks they're just being women...

        - has a crude vocabulary (but he won't swear around women)
        - often speaks louder than he has to to let everyone with in 10 miles hear him
        - personal space? what is that? is that the 2 inches apart from the other person's face?
        - along with lack of personal space, he's a toucher - pat a shoulder, boop a nose
        - he seems to have an endless supply of energy and resilience 
        - gives no shits about what others think of him unless they want to seriously harm him
        - quite the daredevil - gives little thought for self-preservation
        - has a good moral compass but he is just as human as the rest and makes mistakes too
        - can act quite the "mom" part in taking care of others

        - posh and well-mannered
        - well-seasoned
        - patience is a virtue and a way of life
        - enjoys a good jeer every now and again
        - acts 50 years older than he really is
        - gives off a "grandpa" vibe
        - likes nice things in life so long as they are practical
        - always clean, tidy, and overdressed

        - Jingles wherever she goes~
        - Never in a hurry
        - Has her own yoga on horseback club
        - Won't leave the house without her makeup on first
        - Has been known to show up to work in nothing but a swimsuit
        - Not a competitor by heart
        - Passionate about her work
        - Not a mean bone in her body and open-minded

        - Is forever too cool for his own good
        - Laid back, chill guy
        - Lacks interest in anything that doesn't benefit him in some way
        - Trendy and keeps up with the latest and greatest technology
        - Actually enjoys learning and going to school (whatever makes him smarter than the next guy)
        - Has a rebellious streak (beanies, piercings, dyed hair, etc)
        - Comes off as snobbish (and sometimes means to)
        - Works smarter, not harder
        -Full name is Christopher James Burton



        - Wild child
        - Plays guitar and vocals in rock/punk/screamo band
        - Witty(?) and sarcastic
        - Edgelord SUPREME
        - Covered in tats and piercings
        - Rebellious
        - Doesn't like to be looked down upon
        - Doesn't relate to or discuss his family
        - 6'0" and slightly muscular build

        - Shaves cool designs into his hair

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