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  • Writer's pictureDrasayer

Who's Your Daddy

Fang inhaled Chris's grunt as it left his lips. Anymore, it was hard to say who started it. They didn't have to pretend they weren't interested in the sex. Granted, for the record, Fang never did put up any fuss for it. But it was way hotter with Chris making the advance as soon as Fang stepped into the hotel room. Come to think of it, Chris had made the first move in the beginning. All the way back to the kiss in the elevator that started it all. Fang didn't know if he should call it needy or just controlling but it was something to be savored on the receiving end.

While they both shed their pants, Fang got a hold of Chris's neck first, pulling him back in for a kiss. His brute frame nearly toppled Chris over as his ankles were still hobbled by his pants. Fang didn't let him veer off, his pissy huff heating his lips. He dipped down, scooping up Chris's knee and hoisted him up. They didn't have far to stumble over to the bed where he laid Chris out. He prowled over him, muttering, "You like being like some kind of siren. Luring us wretched souls out to sea to drown us, eh?"

Chris sneered, "At least, if that were true, you wouldn't be running your mouth right now."

Fang flicked his shirt off to the side, "Admit it, you like my dirty mouth." He let his piercings rest against Chris's lips, daring the stormy blues to send their worst. "Fuck, I wish you'd suck my dick a fraction as much as you like eating my face."

"Ugh, that makes me want to throw up just thinking about it," Chris wrinkled his nose.

Fang's grin grew far and wide. "Heh, damn right it'd make you throw up if you even tried. I bet you gag on your own toothbrush, bitch boy. This big ol' di-" As much as Chris was cringing through this dirty talk, it was all cut short by a knock on the door.

"Chris?" The person behind the door called softly.

Chris groaned and shoved Fang off of him. He knew that voice. He shoved Fang away yet again when he thought they could just keep going. Gross. Curiosity and frustration piqued, Fang flipped around with a cocky grin and a raised eyebrow. So the surprise visitor knew Chris? Fascinating. He caught the underwear Chris threw at his face. Depending on Chris's answer would determine if he actually put them on. "You know this guy?"

Chris rounded back for the bed, pulling on his own underwear, "Open the door and find out. Though, you might want to get dressed before you embarrass yourself."

Fang squinted, his grin widening, "Is this some kind of stripper?"

Chris picked up his phone and sat at the foot of the bed. He just stared back at Fang with a sarcastic tight-lip smile. What the actual fuck? How did that make any sense? Holy shit, this was going to be great. He knew exactly who was at the door. "And I would get dressed for that bec-?"

"Christopher," Dave knocked one more time. He had heard talking and it wasn't like Chris was big into watching TV. Perhaps he should give him a call.

"Christo- is this an ex stalking you?" Who else would use his stupid full name? And make Chris shut their fun down?

"Haaaaaa," Chris's eyebrows jumped up in disbelief at Fang's presumption. It just got better! He was speechless!

Fang took that as a yes! "I gotchu, bitch," he stated proudly. He slung the underwear over his shoulder, letting it all hang out. Unless this dude came packing a Tollhouse cookie dough roll, Fang was certain he was the superior specimen and it would be made clear as day.

Chris glanced down at his phone lighting up with Dave's number across the screen. Just as Fang flung the door open to boldly remark, "Hey, asshole, I fuck this bitch now-HMBBLERAAAH-"

Chris jolted, dropping his phone to the floor just as fast as Fang's entire stature crumbled to the ground at the rate of plummeting boulders. He stared down at Fang's corpse and then back up at Dave with wide eyes from shock? Terror? Amusement?? Did Dave just sucker punch Fang? Was he dead!? The fuck just happened??

Dave inhaled, lowering his solid cobra fist strike and stepped out of his wide stance he had jumped into. He made sure the assailant stayed down before moving forward in a hurry, "Christopher! Are you okay? Did he harm you?"

"FFFUUUUCK ME!" Fang writhed on the floor, rolling over into a fetal position just in case the dude was aiming for vitals next! Damn! What a hit! Was that just his hand or a baseball bat!? His vision was blurred and bursting with bright lights! He groaned, feeling the gouges where his piercings bit into his lips and gums, tinging his mouth with a bloody iron twang.

Chris couldn't hold back the chuckles, watching Fang writhe on the floor butt naked and beaten down by an old man. Jesus Christ! "What the fuck, dad!?"

Dave stepped a wide girth around the tatted hooligan, scowling at him. But softened tremendously looking over Chris, "Are you in danger?"

Chris had to wipe an eye, he was fighting to contain the giggles so hard to have some kind of composure, "No, I'm pretty sure you knocked it out of the park."

Dave darkened his glare as Fang rolled and swore such profane things. Good God, he was nude too. Dave sniffed and knew immediately there was marijuana on this degenerate. It was a good thing he came when he did. No telling what sort of trouble he'd get Chris into. "I was coming to invite you to dinner with me." He raised a brow, glancing to see what Chris's explanation of this was if it wasn't some B&E. His eyes trailed to the bedside and he saw...oh dear god...condoms. His insides cringed and dried into husks. Dear God, no.

Chris followed Dave's eyes and saw the same evidence. No use trying to act like a child to cover that up. Gross. He knew his prying father wouldn't keep his mouth shut for long. Luckily Fang interrupted, finally managing to sit up, wiping his bloody lip down his forearm, "He already has dinner plans, assbag. A heaping serving of dick with a side of balls."

Dave didn't even react in the slightest. As Chris predicted. He gestured to the condoms and dove right into being the helicopter father he could never change, "Junk food, I see. At least, you're practicing safe sex. It would be quite a shame if something grotesque would come of this choice of hors d'oeuvres…"

Fang saw the trademark snarl from Chris when he was particularly disgusted. It made Fang chuckle. Fang stuffed his legs into the underwear and got to his feet, "We don't practice, huh, Chris? We put them to work," he bumped his eyebrows suggestively. "So, you're Daddio…" Fang looked Dave up and down. Uptight, scowling, way over dressed, and kind of an asshole. Fang saw the resemblance. "Sup? I'm Fang. So, food, yea? Can we get a doggy bag delivered? We'll be fuckin' starving, ya know after-"

Dave's scrutiny amplified tenfold. He knew exactly who this was now. The one Chris had been hanging around for months now on and off again. There were some pretty scandalous rumors formed in the beginning but it all died off. He thought that chapter of whatever Chris was going through was over. Why was he still here then? He looked to Chris for answers, not so soft this time, "What does your...friend want?"

Fang scoffed, recognizing that shitty look Dave laid over him. Bullshit. "Friend? That's fucking cute. I'm actually the boyfriend. Ya know, practically family," he sneered. He took great pride all of a sudden to play the role of the bad boy no one could bring home to the parents. He could see how both Chris and Dave cringed. It only made Fang stronger!

It all clicked with Dave. His shoulders relaxed a touch, taking a harmless stance. He even grinned a little, one side of his mustache raising up. "Ahhh, right." Chris furrowed his brows ever so slightly, wondering where Dave was taking this. It was that condescending tone that meant he had more information than he was letting on. Judging by his proud stance, he was about to share it too.

"Boyfriend. Suuuure. That's right. You must be the one then." Dave was dragging this out. On the outside, he looked amused. On the inside, boiling hot rage and disgust.

Fang put his hand on his hip, having no idea what Dave was doing. "Fuck, yea."

"So you're the one that left your spent shell of a John Hancock on my trailer table. I seeeeeee. Or should I address you as Mr. Cunt?" Dave gestured with a hand as if the choice was his.

Both of the boys dropped jaws. Chris couldn't believe Dave had the balls to even say it. The man hardly ever swore and always made such a fuss over it. To just throw it down and in Fang's face? Damn! And Fang! He was delighted! Shocked but delighted such a pompous man would congratulate him so openly! Wait… Fang thought on it harder… trailer table…

"Unless-" And now, the tables turned on Chris. Dave stared him right down, the same false grin remained hardened. "Perhaps that was a message for you, my boy? A new alias you're going by these days?"

"Fuuuck, that's savage!" Fang erupted into a laugh now! Which caught Chris off guard. He didn't understand the full situation. He was somewhere between amused Fang got called a cunt by his dad and confused how he had anything to do with it? Alias?

Fang couldn't just let it go over Chris's head. Hell no, he had to appreciate it as much as Fang was. "Dude, remember when you fucking blue balled the shit outta me? Straight up walked your fine ass out the door to go play with your ponies? Yea, I left you a little parting gift for being such a fucking bitch. You didn't tell me it was your dad's trailer! Goddamn!" Fang erupted into a fit of giggles and coughs. He ran through the motions of blowing a load on an imaginary table and spelled it all out for Chris as Dave pretended he wasn't reliving through the disgusting episode of that day.

"What difference does it make who owns the property!?" Dave was aghast. "Such a vulgar, vile-"

"Well, I woulda loved to have done it down his asscrack," Fang flailed a hand in Chris's direction, "But he left me really fucking high and really fucking dry!"

"Christopher!" Dave gasped. This was the kind of nasty, crude, barbaric piece of trash he was interested in suiting with!? He thought he raised him to at least make smarter decisions than this thing!

Chris scoffed loudly in disbelief, "Fucking what!?" He held his arms open like what was he supposed to do about it!? He was just now hearing about all this for the first time! He was just as grossed out! He didn't have control on how gross Fang was! Or what trash fell out of his dumpster of a mouth! Dave had some nerve acting like it was somehow Chris's fault!

"Don't you ever let your mother find out about this," Dave shook his head with disapproval, gesturing to Fang like an object.

"Hey, I'm fuckin' cute," Fang interjected. For one, not impressed to be some "thing". And another, why the hell did it matter what they thought anyway? Chris was old enough to be a big boy that can make his own decisions in life. Fuck parents and what they think.

Chris talked over Fang, "Don't let her find out how wasted you got last night. Who was it that dragged you back? How many times have I had to?"

"Well!" Dave's retort staggered a bit. He opened his mouth, holding an accusatory finger loaded to shoot the blame. But then he realized he didn't have much to retaliate with and disarmed by lowering his hand and shutting his mouth.

Chris didn't have to say another word. As many times as he threatened to leave Dave to wallow in his sorry state, he did occasionally pack him back to his room for moments just like this: Leverage. (Granted, a few times, he really did just abandon Dave's inebriated husk out of spite. But the lapse in Dave's memory blurred over those.)

Dave stabbed fingers at his eyes and pointed the daggers back at Fang, a warning to watch himself. Fang gave him a squint. He got the first shot as a sucker punch, sure. But some old dude wasn't much of a threat. "Tread carefully, Bart." Dave left the verbal warning as he exited the room.

"Eeeey, and don't forget the doggy bags, Daddio!" Fang called after him. He was sure he acted cool enough to cover over the fact that old dude just spit his "real" name at him. That was no coincidence. And why the hell did he know it? He turned from the door as it shut, chuckling to sweep it under the rug, "Both of you are real assholes. I see where you get it from. Did that make you super hungry? I'm fuckin' starving."

Chris scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Go eat out of the trash. I'm sure there's something in there to your taste."

"Mmm, like fresh whore," he purred, looming over Chris, going in for a kiss, interested to pick up where they left off.

Chris derailed his attempts, pushing his face away. He was pissed off about the whole exchange. Actually… no. He wasn't. He was grossed out by Fang's behavior. He was annoyed Dave whined at him and tried to make bullshit threats. But honestly, he wasn't actually mad. The look on Dave's face. Fang getting punched to the floor. The back and forth disapproval from both sides? Pure comedy.

"...What are you smiling for?" Fang hesitated to ask but genuinely curious. He still wasn't sure if Chris smiling was a good thing or a great thing. And why now?

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