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  • Writer's pictureDrasayer

Take Everything

The lift led out onto a glorious balcony that looked over St Louis, Tristan led him around, looking very comfortable at home as they headed into the en-suite itself. It had a very classic color scheme of black and white, with marble tabletops. “Don’t worry about people being able to see you, Jarin, that stuff is one-way glass,” Tristan told him with a smile as if that hadn’t been obvious from the outside! He immediately headed up the stairs, hand on the glass banister, past the series of tanks which held all sorts of tropical fish, that were typically looked after by the hotel themselves.

In short. It was glorious!

Jarin never felt so out of place in his life. It was so posh and sleek and elegant! Completely Tristan. He recognized bits and pieces of the city he was born in. Of course, the massive St. Louis Arch in the background, demanding attention. He always thought it looked neat! He snapped a couple of pictures on his phone to show his moms later. Boy, he didn’t expect to be in St. Louis this afternoon of all places! What a turn of events! But, he wasn’t at the barn and he wasn’t riding with Tristan anymore so as far as he could understand, he was doing exactly what he was told.

He decided it was probably okay to tiptoe closer to the fish to get a look at them. They were so neat looking. Jarin leaned over a bit to watch them swim about with a smile on his lips. “Tristan has such nice things, doesn’t he?” he asked the brightly colored fish. He resisted to poke at the fish, “He’s so nice too. Does he feed you guys nice food too?”

Tristan reappeared not too long later, looking far less like he’d just been to a barn, he’d mussed his hair back into some form of shape, and was now wearing some rather expensive looking clothing; just his tyle. He gave Jarin a grin as he came out. “You can’t just head out wearing that, Jarin!” He called, looking amused. “Here, give me a second.”

He reappeared moments later with some clothing of similar taste, followed by some of his older riding boots, which were still four times the value of the ones Jarin had. “Wear that, you should be alright.” He told him with a smile.

Jarin caught the clothes in a panic, “Wha!?” He looked at the clothes like they were relics. Jarin took a glance over his own outfit. Surely, it wasn’t that bad? He brushed off some horse drool on his sleeve and that was as good as clean, right? Was he supposed to actually wear these!? Where were they going that he had to wear such nice things!? Tristan had made mention of shopping for some food? Who needed to get dressed up to go to Walmart?

Well, …they were both boys so…it shouldn’t matter all that much right? Jarin blushed a little but he had always been shy to just strip down in front of others…well after his moms explained to him how naughty it was. He jogged back around to the door, sort of out of sight but more of just around the corner.

Tristan gave an amused laugh, hearing Jarin awkwardly fumble about, “You don’t need to fall over yourself to get changed, like, right away, at least right now. We aren’t in a hurry.”

He had to grant though, over the past few days, it had become weird to have another guy around the apartment, even if he missed it. At the same time, it both comforted and bemused Tristan, he really wasn’t sure what he was feeling about the whole thing. And, in fact, a slight blush rose across his cheeks, which he promptly beat down, heading past Jarin to go through to the kitchen with a slight frown on his face, going to pretend he had to grab something before they left the hotel.

After a quick uber ride over to a local grocer, Tristan hooked a hand around Jarin’s arm and pulled him away from the clearance aisle. “Come on. Let’s see if we pick up some food” he said with a warm smile. He picked up some white and milk chocolate, along with a reasonable abundance of Maltesers, before he also grabbed some creme fraiche and some cream cheese, with the plans of making a cheesecake.

With the dessert largely sorted in his head, he then got a lamb shank, some lemons, rosemary, and various other bits and pieces, to let him put together a meal for them. “I was thinking, I could maybe make us a cheesecake for dessert… and for main, we could a chargrilled leg of lamb with salsa verde and roasted beetroot.”

Jarin couldn’t believe the amount of food Tristan was picking out! He helped carry the bags back to the driver, getting in to head back. “Salsa what? Cheesecake!? Aw, that’s the best!” Jarin almost jumped for joy! He had no idea what the main was but, oh lord, did he know what cheesecake was! He loved cheesecake! (Well, really any cake…honestly…) He was so excited about the thought, he nearly jumped over the car, “Can I help? I don’t really know how to do any of it but if I can help in any way, I’m your guy!” His tail was practically wagging!

Tristan decided to let Jarin be a part of the process, explaining it on the way back so Jarin actually knew what he was doing and why. It was like he knew how to instruct Jarin for a successful outcome… Jarin was having a fun time! This was something he didn’t do often because well…nearly burning a kitchen down three times as a youngster. He found making food to be a bit intimidating because of that. But with Tristan giving guidance, he found it a lot less stressful. He found himself just watching Tristan do the “harder” bits of cooking like…stirring and pouring! It didn’t take much to impress Jarin.

He was genuinely feeling enthusiastic about the whole thing. However, he did run a bit short on his patience wondering when it would be done baking, asking “Is it done yet?” about eleven times. He just wanted to eat it already! He was practically begging for it already, just laid over the counter, staring at it like it was the greatest edible thing on the planet.

Tristan had shaken his head multiple times already, eventually putting the cheesecake into the fridge so that it could set while he started the lamb. It was a slightly more complicated recipe, and so, for the most part, he just chatted with Jarin while he made it. It was strange, he had to admit, but at the same time, comforting, to have someone else around, and he found himself looking at Jarin in a slightly different light. Not a light that he’d personally expected to shine on him. But hey, loneliness did things to a man. Tristan felt that slight panging in his heart. He missed his ex, and yet, here Jarin was to try and fill that hole. He tried his best to quash that emotion however, keeping an eye on what he was making instead.

Jarin did notice it was starting to get a bit late though. He paused, looking outside with a little sigh escaping him. He should probably start getting home. But…cake. He looked back to Tristan with a smile. He could stay a bit longer. “Tristan, I’m glad you’re back. I know…well…” he stared at the table, hesitating to say any more but he just needed to get it off his chest. And then he wouldn’t touch at it anymore, “…well, I can’t imagine what you must feel right now but I…well… I just wanted to let you know that I am sorry and I wish I could do something to make it better but I just don’t know what I could do. If I could…” He glanced up, panicked, and looked back down. He wasn’t supposed to poke his nose in others’ business. But he knew Tristan had to be upset over his breakup. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have brought it up.”

He flinched a little, expecting to be yelled at again. He didn’t blame Tristan. He just threw it out there without warning.

Freezing in place for a moment, before Tristan glanced back to Jarin with a sad smile. His heart panged for his ex, he missed his fiance and he missed his company. And yet, that soured in his face slightly as well.

If Jarin could do anything.

Tristan, for a moment, didn’t think that he could and was annoyed that he brought it up, before another thought dawned on him, that came far more irrationally, and yet it made perfect sense to him, somehow. And so, without another word, he walked over to Jarin, a strange look in his eyes as he came in front of him.

“Maybe you can.”

He didn’t give Jarin another opportunity to speak, as he pulled his chair out, next thing Jarin knew, Tristan was straddling his lap, his lips pressed forcefully to Jarin’s, his hands at his hips as he pushed a kiss onto him. Maybe this would help him forget.

Jarin fell right into his role as he would with Sydney. He pressed his lips back, twisting and grabbing onto Tristan. He sighed sweetly, arching his back from his hips being grabbed. It wasn't often enough that he got kisses from Sydney. He liked them and sure wished he got more of them. Boy, Sydney sure was being gentle. Maybe he was feeling sweet tonight. Jarin assumed he must have done something…right…….OH GOD THAT WASN'T SYDNEY ON THE OTHER END OF HIS LIPS!!! Jarin's eyes snapped open and he ripped his head back, flushed a deep red. He shuddered hard under Tristan and covered his mouth, “Tr-Tristan!? H-hang on!! Are you feeling okay!?” This was a mistake. He didn't actually mean this. It was just some sort of trip or fall or something! He was pretty sure he shouldn’t do those things with someone who just broke up with their fiancé and he certainly shouldn't do that to someone like Tristan. It was definitely a mistake! He was supposed to try and make him feel better, not make out with his face in a moment of confusion!

Tristan had been more than fine with Jarin grabbing on, he hadn’t even questioned it, but as Jarin pulled back, his eyes flashed a little, and he gritted his teeth. “You said that you would do anything if there was something you could do. Or are you backing out of that too?” He questioned, arching an eyebrow. Some part of his mind recognized that this was wrong. But that mind was very quickly broken down as he pulled Jarin’s hand away from under his mouth, pushing back at him again, not giving Jarin all that much of a chance to pull away as he pushed down against him with his hips, rolling them against Jarin’s pelvis, panting into his mouth a touch as he ran his hands up and down Jarin’s sides.

Jarin's heart felt the strain from Tristan's words. He definitely didn't want to just back out on Tristan and disappoint him again. He just never thought this is what Tristan would want! He thought maybe a good talk, a shoulder to cry on, maybe offer his moms for consulting since they were good about this kind of stuff. Jarin let a little moan out as he caved just a bit, giving in to Tristan again. The way Tristan felt on him was no dream. The way he moved, the way he smelled, it was all too real and swallowing Jarin up. His heart broke for Tristan if he felt needed this. He needed someone, anyone, after losing his special someone. But Jarin was so conflicted. He had Sydney…surely that meant he wasn't supposed to? Jarin shuddered again, gripping Tristan's sides as he tried to bring them both back down to Earth.

“I can't really…” he panted. “This is kind of…” he whispered. “We really shouldn't…” he gasped. He couldn't actually bring himself to say the words. In some strange sense…he wanted this. He wanted to give this to Tristan to make him feel better. It was his responsibility. But only if he was honest about the situation. Tristan deserved to know, “I really need to tell you…” he chewed at his lip nervously, looking up at Tristan, “I…”

Tristan had a slight pang of annoyance to his tone “Jarin, whatever it is, now isn't the time. You can do this. There is absolutely nothing stopping you. You don't need to marry someone, or even be in a relationship with them to fuck them.” He stated pointedly, “You can do this with me.” Tristan told him, looking him in the eyes for a moment, he trailed a hand down Jarin’s body, down his chest lightly before it slipped into his jeans to take a hold of him. Moving slowly. Teasingly.

“Quit being such a nun.” He huffed, pressing down against him, he once more kissed Jarin, slipping his tongue past Jarin’s lips as he fondled at him sensually. He backed off suddenly, stepping back from him for just a moment. Yet, there was no hesitation as he pulled Jarin to his feet, leading him up the stairs by his hand with a firm tug, Jarin tripping and staggering in chase. The moment they were through the door, he had Jarin pushed up against the wall, pushing back at him again hotly, his hands traveled around behind him, and down Jarin’s pants, squeezing his arse. Jarin’s mind was in a sort of reboot with the new information Tristan had laid down for him. Nothing to stop this? So…it was okay? On both their parts? For a moment, he really opened up to Tristan, pressing himself up against Tristan and sliding his arms behind Tristan's back. He never realized how lean Tristan was until now with his hands on him. He'd show him the happiness he deserved. Jarin pressed his lips harder to him full of nothing but passion and a need to comfort him. He just had a different feel to it that made Jarin hypersensitive.

He gasped as Tristan took hold of him. He leaned hard on Tristan, holding onto him like he might fall over if he didn't. He couldn't form the words right as he managed to whisper through panting, “Oh God, I can't control my legs... I don’t know what’s happening…” he hooked his arms behind Tristan's neck, looking up to him full of need and lust. It had been a while since he wanted something so bad. Sydney usually just took what he wanted. But this was exhilarating and exciting. “Tell me what to do,” he pleaded. He wanted nothing more than to make him feel so good.

Tristan gave a soft chuckle into Jarin’s mouth, who knew that he was such a whore? Tristan certainly wouldn’t have guessed it from him. He pushed himself against Jarin, panting softly, he kissed along Jarin’s jawline and down his neck, nipping at his collarbone, before he turned the pair of them, pushing Jarin back onto the fluffy bed. “You just keep doing what you’re doing.” He wasn’t going to push Jarin around. He wasn’t a complete arsehole!

He straddled over Jarin’s legs again, leaning down once more to capture his lips, grinding his hips against Jarin’s, a cheeky, lusty glint to his eye. This would be the only first time that Jarin would get to have, Tristan thought. Tristan would make sure that it was a damn good one.

Jarin grabbed Tristan’s arm to steady himself with, the other riffling through his hair as he shared a breath or two with Tristan. He arched his back and pushed his hips back at Tristan, biting at his lip and softly moaning. He was certainly of the thought that he liked Tristan and therefore he passed the mental checklist that this was a-okay, especially since they didn’t even have to be in a relationship for this to be okay. He could think about marriage later.

He opened up his hips and wrapped his legs around Tristan. He shuddered a bit, feeling them pressed up to each other. It made him tense and pull Tristan closer to him. He turned his head out to loudly proclaim his enthusiasm. Jarin had yet to grasp the concept of being a quiet partner. He’d show his honest feelings through moans and sweet sighs.

Tristan grinned a little, he loved how loud Jarin was, it was a definite turn-on for Tristan, he was delighted with it. Feeling Jarin shudder under him, it caused him to let out a groan, panting, he pushed down against Jarin, before he moved back a little to pull away Jarin’s jeans, and boxers with them, taking Jarin into his hand again and moving it up and down his length, glancing to him with a wry grin, eager to see Jarin’s reaction.

Damn, was it hot.

He wouldn’t let Jarin’s enthusiasm go wasted, however, tugging down his own jeans, he pushed a little at Jarin, before he gave a wry smile, pausing for a moment to reach over to his bedside drawer. It was a habit of his to keep some lube in there. Just in case. And perhaps, previously, it had almost been a slight taunt to himself,

He caught a peek of Tristan’s unjustly lengthy dick and Jarin absolutely horrified himself at how much he wanted it. He thought he’d be terrified of it but it only made him moan and bite his lip. He always knew Tristan was a gifted human being. Truly, from head to toe, nothing was left out of quality control.

He reached up and grabbed Tristan by the collar of his shirt and pulled him down, using his tongue to coax the same feeling Jarin had. He was enamored by everything about Tristan. He’d always thought he was such a cool person. To be in his bed now, doing these sorts of things for him, oh it just made Jarin hit a high.

“Now this might hurt a little, but don’t worry,” Tristan murmured on Jarin’s lips. “Just stay relaxed.” With that, he poured a little onto his finger, trailing his hand down Jarin, before he pushed it into him gently, taking his time, letting Jarin get used to the feeling.

Oh god, he never got this kind of attention from Sydney. It was pretty much a one-way street with him and Jarin didn’t mind because he didn’t know any better. It knocked him back to the bed, squirming with ecstasy, chewing at his own finger. He couldn’t take it much more before pushing his hands up through his hair, dragging his glasses off his face and chucking them across the room. He didn’t need to see in order to feel.

As Tristan pushed his finger into him, Jarin didn’t hold himself together so well, “Tristaaaa-aah!“ he gasped, flinging his arms down to the side and gripping the sheets hard. He grit his teeth and tugged at the sheets. He was still sore from Sydney being so rough on him the other day. But this feeling was strange and new to Jarin too, his hand and whatever he had put on it. It almost made Jarin ticklish as he trembled underneath Tristan.

Tristan gave a slight grin at Jarin’s noises, fuck. This was glorious. He slipped another finger into Jarin to stretch him out a little. “Don’t you worry, Jarin.” He told him, pressing his lips to him again. “I’ll take good care of you.” He reassured him, preparing him thoroughly. Tristan knew that he wasn’t small after all.

Biting at his lower lip teasingly, before slipping his tongue into Jarin’s mouth, he started to push his dick into him, letting out a breath. “Fuck, Jarin. You’re so tight.” He groaned out, loving the feeling of Jarin around him, granted, not something he ever thought he’d feel.

Jarin pressed his forehead to his collarbone to brace while Tristan slid into him. It made his toes curl and his vision go black for a moment but that might have been because he forgot to breathe for a moment. All at once, Jarin released and let go, arching back and exhaling loudly, “Oh god, you’re so big! Nnn~” He shuddered to even look, tossing his head to the side instead. He was throwing a little bit of a fit, trying to handle all of Tristan. It wasn’t like Sydney at all – tough and gritty. This was…so different and just so nice.

He ran his hands down Tristan’s sides and groping at Tristan’s butt, pulling him into him a little more. Jarin moaned loudly again and squirmed, not realizing that Tristan was a bit longer than Sydney. His hands retreated to cover his mouth, flushing so red for letting out such a loud moan. How was he supposed to please Tristan if his brain just kept misfiring? This was all so different and oh so good.

(Friendly PSA from Dras: See, butts like lube.)

Tristan was having a grand old time, letting out a groan, feeling him squirming around him, Jarin’s moans were music to his ears! He let out a slight hiss of pain as he felt Jarin rake his nails up his back, but at the same time, he wasn’t really complaining. It was kind of hot if he was really being honest. And as Jarin pulled him in, he bottomed out against him, letting out a puff of breath. “Fuuuck.”

He could almost see stars from how incredibly tight Jarin felt, and yet, the lube made him so slick, holy shit. He began to play with Jarin, in tandem with him starting to thrust in and out of him. “Damn Jarin, you’re incredible.” He panted out, moving from his lips for a brief moment to nip at his throat and collarbone. Damn.

Jarin sighed and smiled. It seemed he was doing okay for Tristan after all. Oh god, he didn't know how good this could feel. Granted, he didn't get this position often. He slipped out of control again. He tugged open his shirt, feeling way too hot in it. It was only fair to assume Tristan was feeling the same and it was up to Jarin to make him feel good. Jarin reached up and ripped open Tristan's shirt. He couldn't help but feel up Tristan's chest and over his shoulders. He pulled on the shirt, panting in rhythm with Tristan's thrusts. He opened up his body up to Tristan, being pretty limber with his hips to accommodate someone like Sydney between his legs. He wanted Tristan to know he could have him all. After taking a gasp of air after a seductive kiss, Jarin pressed up to Tristan, grinding his hips up on him, whispering in his ear, “Take me.’’ He grazed his teeth just below his jaw, “Take everything you need. I wanna make you feel good.”

Tristan was more than happy to oblige to that request, gritting his teeth a little before he pushed against Jarin. “I’m thinking you’re just being greedy.” He responded, knowing full well that Jarin was enjoying himself as much as Tristan was, and of course, he’d ask Tristan to take everything he wanted, because Jarin got way more out of it.

But who was Tristan to deny him?

He gave a low grunt, and picked up the pace, slamming into Jarin swiftly, pulling his thighs apart a little more to really let him dive deep into Jarin, pushing as far as he possibly could, pulling out almost to the hilt before he plunged back into Jarin with abandon. “Jesus Christ, you’re so fucking hot.” He panted hard, railing against him forcefully, his hips slapping against Jarin’s with each thrust, rubbing away at Jarin’s dick, eager to push him toward a climax, just as Tristan could start to feel his own, not so far away.

“Greedy!?” Jarin smirked. He'd heard that phrase before. Sydney told him that all the time. That usually meant he was looking for him to do something in return for being ' greedy’. But first Jarin wanted to feel Tristan rail him a few good times. He couldn't help but love it, crying out in ecstasy. He knew rough sex. That was familiar territory. He knew how to arch his back, throw his head back, grind his hips, tug at Tristan's sides, and moan for more. That was his greedy side. The force of Tristan made him shake and even made his voice crack a couple of times. God, he didn’t want to question how he got here, but he didn't want it to end either. Jarin tensed and held his breath, hunching up for a second. He almost lost it. He exhaled heavy and rolled as hard as he could, taking Tristan with him. The positions were reversed now. Jarin grinned, looking down at Tristan. He pushed Tristan's dick up to him and took it all back in him while kissing Tristan hard and sloppily. He moaned right on his lips, lingering above him, “I'll give it to you then.”

Jarin sat up tall, rubbing a hand down his side, looking like he was on top of the world. He tugged the shirt off of him and flung it across the room as he started to ride. He pushed his hips forward on his way down to grind hard on Tristan's dick. Jarin's face said it all: he was well on his way to finishing himself off just by how he chewed at his lip and tilted his head back.

Tristan arched himself up to Jarin, this was the last thing he had expected from him, and yet it felt fucking fantastic. He never knew Jarin had it in him, and yet here he was, with his hands resting on Jarin’s hips, gripping them tightly while Jarin rode his dick. Fuck, this was incredible. How Jarin took it all in in one clean motion before rising back up. It had Tristan lost for words, panting and moaning and enjoying the feeling of Jarin around him. He looked up to him seductively, his cheeks blushed, his eyes filled with lust as he pushed his hips back up against Jarin, both of them moving in tandem.

Who the fuck knew that Jarin motherfucking Jackson could be so goddamn attractive when he wanted to be? Tristan was lost in that body, in the way that it moved atop him. Fuck. “Harder.” He breathed out to him, looking up at him through his eyelashes, a flirty grin on his face.

Jarin heard his command and nodded out of reflex, “Nnn~” It was Tristan. He followed his words by instinct at this point. He would do whatever he told him. If he wanted it harder, Jarin would be sure he got it. Jarin leaned forward, to brace his hands on Tristan's chest. He threw his hips at him, shoving Tristan's dick up into him deep as he could get it. Jarin jolted and about came then and there. He shook and went again, exclaiming loudly every time he came down. He couldn't stop it anymore, “Ah, Trist-aannnnn!” he moaned, biting back his words. He gasped hard, “I'm-“ he forced out a cry of ecstasy. He was losing his mind, feeling the hot tingles take over and light him up. He leaned down further, taking Tristan's lips with his own, kissing him hard as he wanted. He gasped again, stealing the air from Tristan and wrapping his arms around Tristan.

There it was. After just a pause, he arched his back hard, pulling Tristan's dick tightly up into him. The long moan he made rang to the heavens as he hit his climax. He moaned again just because he enjoyed it so much, he wanted the world to know about it.

Tristan gave a hot moan underneath Jarin. It had Tristan unable to think, reacting sheerly on instinct as he pushed back up to him, returning Jarin’s kiss sloppily his breath hot, words husky. “Fuck, Jarin.

His voice cracked a little, breathy as he panted, and then suddenly he felt Jarin take him somehow even deeper than he had beforehand. That loud moan. Fuck, it unraveled any composure Tristan had left, his hands gripped Jarin’s hips tightly and pulled him down onto him, thrusting up into his ass hard as he came, groaning out Jarin’s name, his eyes tightly shut as he rode out his orgasm, pushed as deep into Jarin as he possibly could until both were left gasping in the aftermath of their climaxes.

“Fuck, Jarin.” Tristan breathed out again, barely able to comprehend what had just happened as he let Jarin come down to the side of him, leaning in to kiss his forehead gently. Fuck.

“I'm so glad I could help, Tristan.”

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