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  • Writer's pictureDrasayer

Sack-Squashing Squeaker

Featuring: Justin and Ben

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Floppy bois~

It was dark. It was quiet. The birds and bugs were hushed at the wee hours of the night. Justin rubbed his tired eyes. It only made him aware of his age climbing the ladders. All-nighters used to be an easy task, now his tired aching bones could hardly take them unless there was booze or boobs on offer. One of those were on offer… Boobs. The whole reason any sane man would dare ride a horse bareback. Women just didn’t understand. “Omigod, you’re such a wimp.” “What, afraid you’ll get hair in your asscrack?” “Just don’t sit on your nuts, duh.” Duh.” Yea, duh. Sure. Women didn’t understand it wasn’t as easy as that. Parts moved. Women kept their valuables inside. They didn’t have to worry about a sudden change of direction, a lean to one side, a cough. No, they just didn’t understand what it felt like to have a horse stop suddenly and have their entire body steamroll their nuts into their asshole. So, it said a lot when Justin showed up, clad in his birthday suit like a brave soldier. His one reward was a hopeful chance to snag a glance at a beautiful brave woman. It was the only thing that would take the pain and worry away from his “lil’ soldier” down below. Now, he just had to catch up to them! Being a race, he just had to move a little quicker. He wasn’t too worried about being caught. Justin had no shame in sharing his body! There was a fine line between going too fast and not fast enough. A trot was out of the question. Hell no. Not on Ben. Ben Derhover… Justin was totally sober when he named that cesspool horse. He was no looker, that was for sure, with his mutilated face and derpy looking body. He was a horse, that much was true. As for beauty… well, that’s for the beholder to decide. But, he was a good worker. Never wore down, never turned up sick or ill. Just a bit… hesitant and a coward. Okay, honestly, Justin didn’t have many to choose from. He wasn’t a rich man so his horse selection was pretty low. Reiner was probably his more sensible choice but Ben needed a job. Surely, he could handle a jaunt from one end of a farm to the next at night. Surely. Justin kept his eyes peeled for any more of the competitors. C’mon boobies… For once, he was relieved Jarin wouldn’t be there. Christ, that would have just put the nail in the coffin. After getting stabbed in the ass and his hair ripped out, he really didn’t want to be around the little man-eating harpy. Especially without clothes. He cringed just thinking about what he’d do to him. No to that. Ben tread carefully. He was on high alert. It was dark. It wasn’t the usual time for a ride. This was the “eating hour” Meaning, the time where predators tried to eat prey like him. He twitched every time a lighting bug fluttered by. He snorted at each one like it was a neon sign pointing to a dinner plate. “Easy, Benny babe, chill out, man.” Justin patted his neck, feeling how tense the gelding was. He was beginning to regret choosing Ben… He glanced down at his manhood… Please. He couldn’t take any more abuse. And just as he thought it, Justin inhaled sharply as Ben hit the brakes hard. STEAMROLLER! Justin braced his hands into Ben’s mane and just narrowly saved his future family. He sighed with relief, feeling a tingle in his toes. He looked ahead, over Ben’s trembling ears. He must have heard something Justin couldn’t. He squinted through the darkness. At least it was a clear night with a full moon. It made things a little easier to see. And a little easier to be spotted. But hey, he did what he had to do for boobs. Beeen…” Justin nudged him on, hoping the poor guy would hold it together. They were just rounding the barn into the ‘don’t get caught’ zone. There were practically half way done! Ben took two steps and immediately stopped, crouching down like he was ready to bolt. He snorted loud, his ears flipping back and forth, trying to locate what strange sound he was hearing. Justin tightened his grip onto Ben’s mane. He felt like the gelding could explode out from under him at any point in time. Yep, he was a bad choice. Justin was just starting to contemplate cupping the family jewels fro safe keeping just in case when he heard what Ben was on edge about. Squeak-y! Both Ben and Justin froze. Ben out of fear. Justin because he was baffled. What in the world could be squeaking?? Squeak-y! Justin looked over his shoulder, hearing it coming from somewhere behind them. Squeak-y squeak!! Ben snorted and started to tremble. He felt like a lit stick of dynamite. Justin braced and grunted a little. One bad move and this horse was going to squirt out from under him! Now, Justin had ridden some pretty rank bulls and broncs in his life. He wasn’t afraid to get tossed off. That wasn’t the problem. However…he usually didn’t attempt this butt-naked. Not to mention, if Ben bolted, that was the last he’d ever see of the gelding. He might have been kinda simple, but Justin had a soft spot for the little survivor. Plan B… if he could get slid off his back and his head bent around, he wouldn’t have the opportunity to bolt off. Justin had juuuuust started to slide a leg back- SQUEAK-Y SQUEAK SQUEAK!!! A dark figure leapt over the hedges, bursting from around the barn suddenly!! Ben screamed a mighty roar and lost his goddamn shit!! He tucked his tail and lunged into the air, throwing his head high into the air! He bellowed loud enough, what could be described as a dying moose was could be heard for miles around. And below that was a grunt and a “Fuuuck!” from a poor man caught off guard on the flying/dying moose’s back! He grabbed onto his mane as hard as he could, sailing through the air with him! As gravity would have it, as soon as Ben hit the ground and bolted, so did Justin’s poor dick. Smashed into Ben’s back like an overripe banana being stepped on. It was the kind of pain where the scream was silent, nothing but a whimper and locked muscles. Justin was sure they flew by some lady riders but all he saw was his life flashing before his eyes and stars that weren’t in the sky. He’d never know what the squeaky sound was. Neither would Ben. And Justin wasn’t sure if he’d ever be able to have children. Or walk straight for that matter… The curse of the Sack-Squashing Squeaker still haunts his manhood to this day. The very thought sends a chill through his spine and causes him to cringe a little. His ‘lil’ soldier’ earned a purple heart badge of honor that day…

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