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  • Writer's pictureDrasayer

One Shell of a Kriller Fantasea

With bubble friend's box secured, Popo pushed the two to shore. Bubble friend had made themselves acquainted with green friend. The two seemed to get along alright, both being friendly by nature. Green friend seemed to be much more relaxed now that they were all out of the slimy waters where they could properly meet each other. Perhaps even finish the race??

Popo bumbled out of the water with the box still stabbed through by his horn. He saw a black string trickle out of the box and dangle in front of him. How curious! A string friend! Popo nickered at the bouncy string, drawing the attention of Hentai. They smiled and sauntered over to Popo to take their beloved treasure back. But first, Popo needed to rid himself of the water dripping from his thick fur. He gave a mighty shake that rumbled the air around him. The box jostled and dropped from Popo's horn onto the ground. It hit the sand hard and burst open! It's contents spilled out over the sand!

Popo stuck his nose down low, hoping to apologize to box friend for hurting it! He hadn't meant to make it feel so ill! His eye caught a shine from the afternoon sun. A sparkle friend? 

Kazi had watched the whole commotion, waiting for Popo to get out of the water. He saw what had tumbled out of the box. He grunted, his eyes almost rolling out of his head! THAT WAS- He bolted into action! He leapt upon Popo's box, flicking his long tail around and pinning it down over Popo's eyes!NO!The pure innocent cotton swab couldn't witness the horrors of Pandora's-er...Hentai's box! He wasn't ready for such hard truths of the world. His innocence should remain as pure as his white coat. 

Hentai picked up one of their treasures, shooting a wink to either one of them. They were more than welcome to share his treasures. Plenty to go around for all~ <3

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