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  • Writer's pictureDrasayer

Merry Skinmas!

Original DeviantArt post:

Justin slung the little piece of cloth over his shoulder and hipped around with a impish grin on his face, “They love me.”

Sydney furrowed his thick brows down at Justin, “Who the fuck are you talkin’ ‘bout?”

Justin hiked his chin up proudly, “My people. You heard Jennie? I’m gonna be the star of this show. They’re finally puttin’ yer mug where is belongs, ol’ Syd. In the back where they put all the missin’ senile old men wonderin’ on the streets.”

Sydney snorted and grinned, “Didn’t you hear the rest of what Jennie said? This is a charity photo shoot to raise money so we can finally have yer as euthanized.” He reached forward and twisted Justin’s nipple making him swear and punch Sydney in the arm.

“Ey, bro, I’m jusayyin, there’s a reason I get the big red suit and yer stuck as my little Rudolph. You gon’ guide my sleigh tonight?” He grinned, handing Sydney his straps and jingle bells. He leaned into his arms, throwing a hand over his forehead like a damsel in distress. He reached up and twirled a long blond lock of hair Sydney only grew in the winter months, “Show me where you like it best, hon’. I got a whole sack full with yer name written all over it.”

Sydney grinned and let him have his little moment, “Careful, what you wish for. I ain’t no Rudolph. They call me Smasher.

“Smasher? You gon’ smash, bro- WAIT, NO, NOT MY NUT-” Justin was a heap of groaning misery on the ground, clutching his sack of goodies, smashed and battered by his not-so faithful reindeer partner. “Wrong sack…” he wheezed and whimpered.

And thus started the RidgeRunner Christmas Charity photo shoot! Staff members, riders, trainers, clients, and the like were all welcomed to chip in and help out! All the proceeds went to charity. A great PR setup and Jennie couldn’t help but have just a little bit of fun with the staff she had on hand to use… Call it a Christmas bonus if they showed up.

Justin walked up on the set first, leading his massive stallion, Rick. The stallion hung his head low, with a loose lip. He didn’t look all there, drooling slightly and blinking slowly. Justin flung his halter off to the side. He wouldn’t need that. “He ain’t goin’ nowhere.” He was really more of a garnish to the photo shoot as he just stood there, slowly lowering his head more and more.

Justin snatched a candy cane and chomped down on it, giving the camera his “sex eyes”. He was eating it up, being the front-man of the charity. He had all the charisma it took. He’d slide his santa coat down one shoulder, give his candy cane a naughty suck, show a little leg, give the camera what it wanted.

And then the coat came off and Justin only seemed to be even more comfortable. He flexed and posed, “This ol’ butt floss makes my junk look four times bigger. Goddamn. Too bad I’ll have a rash up my ass crack for the next week. Ah- Rick…” He looked over his shoulder and saw the stud going down on him. Rick had all he could take. He saw the fluffy fake snow and thought it would make a wonderful bed for his massive joints. He gave a snort and down he went! With a heavy thud and grunt.

The camera crew stared, “Uh should we…”

Justin shook his head, “Naw, there ain’t no gettin’ him back up. But I know what we can get up…” He turned back to the crew, hooking a thumb on his Santa pants and giving a little pull as a tease. He cocked an eyebrow and grinned.

Justin and Sydney weren’t the only ones signed up to take part. The ever-so-happy-to-help Jarin had volunteered himself. It was a costume shoot with Abe! Why wouldn’t he sign up? Nothing could be as bad as the Halloween shoot!

Jarin tugged at the little red shorts. They were a little small...He frowned and tugged the top down a little too… He glanced up at Abe, “I think they got me the wrong size. This is way too small. Jennie’s not gonna be happy when I have to tell her there’s no way I can do the shoot in this costume.”

Justin, having finished up his session, was roaming among the crowds still happily sporting his costume with a grin. He was on the prowl for his giant Texan reindeer. He was all healed up from “Smasher” and ready to antagonize him some more. He spotted the giant blond man a mile away. He looked distracted! Perfect!

Justin chuckled and circled around to get him from the backside. He snickered, creeping closer and closer. He’d make him squeal like a little girl for sure! With his target set on one firm ass, Justin charged in, ready to jab him so hard in the ass, he’d feel a tickle in his throat!

Sydney heard the cackling behind him long ago. But his attention was elsewhere. As soon as Justin was in arm’s reach he swung a backhand. Justin ducked under the swing and slid between Sydney’s legs! Plan B! Nut shot! He hiked an uppercut for revenge!

All Sydney had to do was drop a knee, bashing Justin in the head. Justin laughed it off, spitting out the dirt he just ate. He glanced up and noticed Sydney hadn’t moved or looked away from...Justin’s eyes widened as he followed whatever it was Sydney was captivated by. “Holy mother of…”

One big booty. Hanging out of what was supposed to be shorts.

“Is that J-babe?” Justin whispered. Now his eyes were locked on it.

Sydney shook his head, “Ain’t no way.”

“Syd...that’s Jarin. I’m sure of it. The horse.” Who else would be walking around with Abe?

“Naw, there just ain’t no way…”


Justin glanced up and over and saw the photographer take a shot. They glanced at the screen and lowered the camera. They joined in with staring at the full moon in the middle of the afternoon. “That’s definitely Jarin. That’s whose on the roster for that outfit…”

...fuck…” The Texans muttered in unison.

“Ey, J-bae!” Justin called out.

Jarin groaned, hearing a voice he wished he didn’t have to. He turned around and was surprised to see Sydney too! His cheeks shifted into a rosy hue, grabbing his arm bashfully. But Justin got a frown, “What?”

Justin leaned his chin into his hand, laying happily between Sydney’s legs to pester him. “Did you order that in size goddamn?”

“Wha?” Jarin tilted his head, not understanding what Justin was asking.

Justin snorted, “‘Cuz, goddamn, yer ass is out, dude.”

Jarin huffed and tugged the shorts down hard. “No shit, Justin! What size is your brain!? Size stupid!?” he shouted back! He growled and whipped around to storm off and get out of that horrible outfit!

Justin grinned and took it full force. Was that an insult? “Did he just swear at me?”

Sydney watched after Jarin until he was completely out of sight. He glanced down at Justin, “Far as I know, he gave you a damn compliment. Stupid!” Sydney mocked Jarin’s tone, chuckling at his buddy for getting told off by the holy flower-boy. It took talent.


Justin rolled over, hearing the sound of an angel. He’d know that voice from anywhere and he was right. “Ay dios mio, heaven has sent me an angel. I’m ready to meet my maker, lord take me now.”

An angel of long lush blond locks, tanned skin, and sultry dimensions. Tequila Brannon. The southern “sweetheart”. She had curves in all the right places in her little suit, decked out with wings and a halo, not that she needed them when she was already a holy being. She flipped her hair over her shoulder, giving her black mare a pat on the nose, “Are ya’ll bein’ mean to my lil’ sweet baby boy?”

“Yours?” Sydney asked, giving her a scowl.

Justin squirmed out from under Sydney and got to his feet, “Us? Naw, we wouldn’t do nothin’ like that, miss.” Justin was practically drooling just looking at her. He leaned an elbow on Sydney, completely oblivious that he was still even there. He was nothing but a lamppost at this point.

Tequila stepped forward with a smile, “Good, ‘cuz nobody messes with my lil’ baby.” She ran a finger up Justin’s chest up to his chin and tapped him on the nose.

“Ay, mami,” Justin purred back at her. He leaned into her fingers, “I’ll be a good boy, I swear.” He bumped his eyebrows getting a little chuckle from her as she slid her fingers back down his chest.

Sydney shoved Justin sideways off of him, “Ya’ll can stop eye fuckin’ each other. I got shit to do.”

Justin staggered to the side, chuckling. He didn’t care if it was his buddy’s sister, she wasn’t off limits as far as he was concerned. “Ey, I’m more than happy to drop the eye part.” He gave her a wink.

Tequila bit her bottom lip and rubbed a hand up her thigh, “Oooh, is Santa gonna come early for me?”

Justin stepped closer, “Oh, I might. You’ve been nothin’ but nice, miss. I think I have a very special package for you.”

Tequila stepped right up to him, closing the space between them. She grabbed a hold of his little strip of fabric that could be called underwear and tugged him right up against her. She shot a poisonous look up to him with her toxic green eyes. She grinned, “Let’s get one thing straight, Santa, baby. I ain’t been nothin’ but naughty.”

Justin swallowed hard. Was it getting too hot? And yet he still got a shiver down his spine!

Before Sydney actually threw up, he left his whore of a sister and his desperate friend so he could get his day over with. It wasn’t like Justin would actually score. She just liked to play with her food first and spit them out just when they thought they had a chance.

“Ah, just in time, Sydney!” the photographer greeted him. “If you’ll just-”

“Yea, yea.” He snatched the stupid set of jingly horns and slapped them on his head. He swiped the stupid candy cane bullshit and made his way over to the chair. He gave a sharp whistle and his trusty steed, Hank came strolling over.

The chair gave a crack and groan when Sydney plopped down in it without a damn. He gave a sigh and leaned back, letting the camera crew do whatever the fuck they wanted. Hank glanced at Sydney and then the people with the little black flashy things. He knew what to do!


Sydney glanced behind him and saw Hank sat on the giant pillow behind him. Hank stared back at him. Kind of a blank expression. This blissful kind of simplicity. “Well, aren’t you just fuckin’ cute, Hank? Too bad you were a dickhead of a stud, ol’ boy. Could have had all the ladies you wanted with moves like that.”

Hank’s basic expression didn’t change in the slightest. He had no idea what his human was saying to him but if he looked like he was listening, the humans like that.

Sydney shook his head and looked forward again. He spread his knees apart, getting comfortable. As comfortable as he could be in some stupid looking outfit.

“Say Christmas!” the photographer said cheerily.

“Uhm...s-say Christmas!” They tried again, hoping to get something other than a scowl out of Sydney.

“Uhm…?” Click. They were too terrified to try again.

Behind that distant glare from the mass of Texan was the single thought: ‘How the fuck did Jarin even get those shorts on?’

Merry Christmas, my loves <3

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