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  • Writer's pictureDrasayer

Lion's Den

Dark lashes shaded chocolate brown eyes as they observed her. Her touch on his thigh had stirred something, but he was quickly getting his sense of control back. If one couldn't control oneself how could you control a business or the people around you? A man without self control became weak. William Darcy could not be weak. “I wouldn't be a gentleman if I declined your request, Ms. Brannon...” Her eyes. Like emeralds. It was like the alcohol made them gleam and glisten even more than before. He stretched out his hand and placed his glass on the small side table

He felt the heat rise inside of him. The fire. The woman in his lap was not her, the one he craved in the past...but the fire in his soul had to get an outlet. In something. With someone. With a soft growl he grabbed the back of her head with one hand, tangled slightly in her hair. He pressed her towards himself further with the other hand at her waist and he began to kiss her, almost furiously like a wildfire ravished the dry land. His hand came up to stroke the strap of her shoulder, pulling the dress down just ever so slightly, before placing his hand on her breast, kneading it and caressing it's center. His lips then left hers and instead focused on a new target.

She was a little taken off guard at first, a little gasp, at how quickly he came on. But once she was in his fire, she warmed right up. She flicked her hair to the side, running a hand up his chest and grabbing onto his toned shoulder. Her fingers pulled up the fabric of the pesky garments in her way. They had to go. But not until she breathed him in, returning the fire of his kiss back at him, wrapping her tongue around his, rocking her body in his lap, tightening her thighs around his legs. Like the drink she was named after, she left an impression.

She sighed heavily, like coming out of a dream when he parted from her. She took the moment to finish the last sip of her drink. Tequila leaned a little to the side as Darcy helped himself to her body. She purred when his hands didn't let her leave so easily. She ran her hand through his hair, massaging his scalp, lifting her chest to him, "That's right baby, you take whatever you need from this body. You take what you want." She pulled the other strap off her shoulder, shrugging it off and pulling the dress down, folding it over. She gave another warm sigh, closing her eyes and tilting her head up to the ceiling. The feeling of a man's hands on her, his hot breath on her chest, her legs spread over him, where she felt the most alive.

She couldn't help herself, just a sample. She needed to know. She wanted to know. She reached between his legs, turning her hand over and with wandering hands, found what she was looking for. One finger hooked underneath, giving the boys a tickle but her other fingers, they traveled a greater distance, tracing the outline of the proud family inheritance. "Oh my, my!" she cooed, biting her lip and putting a hand to her cheek. "Mr. Darcy! You do not disappoint in any form, do you?" She had to fan herself a little. From what she felt, he wasn't just wearing bright colors and driving expensive cars to compensate for something. He was the full package from head to toe to dick size. More than enough to satisfy a lady like Tequila who had seen her fair share of too big and too little.

His hands came to her waist where he rubbed her against himself. There was little point trying to hold back now. Thankfully, it didn't seem like she was one of those that wanted it too slow and cuddly. Both knew what the other was after. It wasn't that they weren't capable of feelings, it was just not... something that was demanded of either of them.

His kisses were a bit rough as he fiddled with the zipper on her back with just one hand, the other busy with one of her breasts. Finally he got the zipper down with a hard yank and he flipped her to the side so she came to lie on her back on the couch. Her golden locks spread out around her, making it look like a golden halo. He wiggled out of his suit jacket and tossed it aside before he dove into her again like a hungry predator. William Darcy was not a man to leave his partner unsatisfied, even if he made sure to get what he wanted - first. Now he wanted to see her want him. Need him. Badly.

Ever so slowly, perhaps agonizingly so, he placed kisses all over her exposed body, sometimes just letting the tip of his tongue tease her, at the same time he let his fingertip draw circles on her. The only thing left on her now was those lacy red strings. In his dark lusty eyes the fire slowly danced, brighter - and hotter. His fingers traced the edge of the fabric. It didn't hide much and he let his finger trace inwards, on the inside of her thigh, then back to the outside of her core.

She had no shame in her naked body. How could she with her looks? She was as comfortable in her naked body as the day she was born. She even gave her own breast a squeeze, after all her body was free for her to play with as well. She grinned, chewing on a finger, looking up at him. She wrapped her calves behind him. “I love a man that knows his way around a woman’s body.”

Tequila arched her body wherever his lips went, letting a little happy pant or moan drift from her lips, feeling the sparks spray inside her. Her eyes wandered over him, hoping for more and more to see. From what she could feel, he was pretty toned. And from what her hand had found, made her bite her lip and her mouth to water a little. The second he was close enough, she gave his belt a tug, pulling it loose with a giggle. She was quick alright, and no beating around the bush to what she wanted.

She hummed a little pout, “Mmmmnn, are you playin’ with your food, Mr. Darcy?” She rubbed his hand near her underwear. Her other hand trailed down her side, following the tattoo’d feathers. There seemed to be a trapped feather hidden in the lace. She followed it down into her underwear, spreading her legs wide. A little motion of her hand made her arch her back up, tilting her chin up and making a soft moan as she played with herself. Was she teasing him that she could find a source of pleasure or perhaps playing with his toy first?

If he had to be honest...he sort of liked how this woman touched herself without any ‘shame’, in a way showing what she liked, and then how she made her sounds of pleasure. Not caring it seemed if anyone heard. A smirk on his lips appeared, “I do no such thing, my dear Ms. Brannon...” For a few moments he let her before he placed his own hand on top, stopping her motions. He made her scoot up, giving him a little more room to lean over so he could reach her lower regions. Just in the same way he had let his fingers circle her inner thighs, he let the tip of his tongue follow the same course.

When he came to her underwear, he felt his own pants constricting him, his gender wanting more room. But that would be something for her to unwrap later. He licked at her, pushing inwards. His hands traced the outside of her thighs til he found the strings and with a firm move he pulled the last of her garment off. “No need for those, kitten...” he purred, dropping them on the floor. His dark eyes pinned her emerald ones as he lowered himself over her again. Teased her flower first, just flicking his tongue over her petals. Then he let his tongue part them and he followed the path to her center core.

Oh, and how she did blossom underneath him. So exhilarating and refreshing to get some attention of her own. She leaned her head back, running her hands up her sides, a hand stopping to feel up her chest, another dragging through her long hair. She called out proudly, feeling his hot breath between her legs, so turned on by everything about him. "My god," she huffed, "you do know how to greet a lady."

She was in heaven! Her hums and breathy gasps were proof. She kept her legs splayed wide, sliding one leg off the sofa. The other stayed tucked on his side. When he'd hit that sweet spot or give a hard suck, her thighs would tremble around him, her back would arch and she'd grab at the cushion, making the leather squeak under her grip.

"You're makin' me all jealous-" she cut herself off as his tongue flicked across her clit making her legs jerk and shudder. With the alcohol settled in her core and him revving her engines, she was ready to ignite. She bit her lip and moaned, giggling right after, absolutely enthralled with how he made her body feel and how he made her react so strongly. He knew what he was up to and she loved it. "I sure would like a lil' somethin' to snack on, baby. I won't bite, I promise," she rolled her words out soft like she was begging for her turn.

He rubbed his chin against the inside of her thigh as he looked up at her from his position, “Do you think you have deserved something to snack on, kitten? can't get anything you don't deserve...You need to earn it first...” he said, his voice slightly thicker with lust. He crawled partly over her, licking her body here and there while he scraped his chin that had just the tiniest bit of stubble on other spots.

Now he only teased the outside of her soft folds with just his fingers as he reached her breasts with his eager lips. She seemed to be a woman that didn't mind some roughness. Neither did he. He played for a little before finally returning to her lips, at the same time putting some of his weight on her.

He felt the faintest trace of the whiskey. Another drink. Yes...he would like that. He retracted from her and sat down, leaning back with his arm thrown along the back of the couch. He held up his empty glass at her. “Please...Ms. Brannon...” he said as he caught her eye “...a refill, make it a double will you...then perhaps you deserve...something....” A mischievous grin grew on his lips, the lust in his eyes as he looked at her glowed like fires. With his empty hand he began to unbutton the vest, and then the high class shirt under it, exposing his suntanned chest.

She moaned in protest about having to earn anything. He wasn't playing how the other boys always did. She asked to suck their dick and they all whipped it out for her. Most thankful she even asked! This guy had a level of self control she had never witnessed before.

Tequila wasn't ready for him to retreat out of her clutches, leaving her panting a little and dazed. She wiped the dribble of spit from her lip and sucked it off her finger. She sat up and leaned closer to him with a smile. She wrapped an arm around his, pressing her chest into him, cuddling his shoulder, "Why, most certainly, Mr. Darcy. What kind of woman would leave a man's glass dry?" She took the glass from him and gave him a light kiss on his cheek before stepping off the sofa. She took a few steps, swinging her hips and ruffling her hair back in place before glancing over her shoulder with a coy grin.

Returning with his drink, she stopped just in front of him, running a hand down her chest over her abs and to her hips, "Special delivery just for you, Mr. Darcy." She lowered herself to her knees before him, leaning on one of his legs and looking up at him through her lashes. She held the glass to her lips and gave the side of the glass a kiss before handing it to him. She rubbed his thigh, leaning over it, "I hope its strong enough for you, baby. It'll help you relax after all that work. You just sit back and enjoy."

She let her hand travel up his leg, finding his erection waiting for her. She grinned and scooched closer between his legs. She got up on her knees for a moment to stroke his chest, feeling just how firm his core was. She did love a fit man. It meant he had stamina, something she was looking forward to. Her eyes dropped back to his pants and she lowered herself to his hips. She nuzzled up against his body, parting the fabric of his pants with her tongue.

With a little push, she grabbed the zipper with her teeth and ever-so-slowly unzipped his pants, letting a bit of the bulge get some relief. She grabbed onto the hem of his pants but she wasn't freeing him from his undergarments just yet. She 'hadn't earned it' until he said so. As much as it burned her core, she resisted. Instead, she kissed the firm erection, so close to where she knew she could really give him some pleasure but not until he let her. "So, have I earned it yet, Mr. Darcy? Can I have it? You'll let me have it, won't you?”

Power excited him. It drove him. Pushed him towards new goals. When it came to business, you had to do your homework, learn how to know what buttons to push and what lever to pull... He took a big sip of the drink, paying little mind over the lipstick mark on the glass. He smirked , “Easy, Ms. Brannon...patience is a virtue...good come to those that have been a good little girl...”

He took her arm and got her to stand, with a simple gentle but firm push he got her to turn around so he got a good look of her backside. Tequila stood as instructed, searching for him over her shoulder. She lifted her plump butt cheeks, giving them a squeeze like she was demonstrating their worth. She was no thin girl. A toned core but to say she was frail would be a huge understatement. He set the glass down at the side table before getting up, letting his suit pants drop to the floor. He nuzzled his nose and mouth at the back of her neck after pushing that mass of hair out of the way. Without really starting gently he nipped at her neck. His hands were free to go under her arms and cup her breasts, squeezing them roughly as he pressed her backside against his erection. One hand stayed at her breast while the other went lower down, once more returning to the honey pot.

Her earlobe got a nip and a tug, then another til she turned her lips towards him. “Good girl..” he growled in her ear before giving her a hungry kiss. Teasingly he rubbed against her, his erection resting securely up against her butt cheeks, still imprisoned. He was still in control but that didn't mean his own need wasn't growing.

One tease too many and she shifted her legs apart. She bumped a hip up and let a well-choreographed pornstar, she had managed to rub her body around so the tip of his dick, even though still clothed, knocked at her back door. She rejoiced, reaching back and grabbing his hips, pulling at him.

“Ah ah ah, Ms. Brannon...” As part of the punishment he bit her, not too hard but enough for her to feel it. “You want to be...punished...don't you Ms. you want to disobey me?”

That bite got a gasp out of her, readjusting her dominance in the room. So she had been caught red-handed. She smiled innocently, even though there was no denying it. She giggled like a naughty schoolgirl; the kind that sending her to the office wasn't going to change her attitude. She moaned again being thrust at, biting her lip and looking over her shoulder, raising her brow, "Why, sir, ain't that how it's s'posed to be? Those well-behaved ladies get treated by their man. But those naughty ones, well, need to be reminded what a man's for, don't they?"

He detangled himself from her enough so he could lift her up in his arms, then carefully detach himself from his pants so he could walk without the risk of stumbling. He would probably regret taking her into his bed chambers be it then. He put her down on the luxurious soft bed and then slowly, giving her plenty of time to look, he unbuttoned his shirt completely before taking both that and the vest off and putting it on the long stool that was at the end of the bed. The bed was higher than most normal beds, almost making it look like a throne if compared.

She crawled forward on her hands and knees, reaching out and catching him by the hem of his underpants. She wasn't playing around anymore. She tugged the underwear down with a satisfying sigh as her cheek brushed up against his hard shaft. "Hey, handsome," she purred. She gave the side of his dick a soft kiss and that was about all the introduction she needed. She slipped her tongue between his boys, nuzzling her face right into his crotch. She slid her tongue up the full length of him, giving a good swirl on the tip, finally looking up at Darcy, acknowledging there was a man attached to this gem. She grinned mischievously, kissing the head of his dick. She kept her eyes up while she wrapped her lips around the tip, letting her tongue dance around and slurped on him. She wrapped a hand around the base, working in slower strokes as she got him warmed up. She bobbed her head, taking more and more in.

She reached back while she had about half of his dick nudging the back of her throat and started feeling herself up again. She hummed, her throat vibrating on the head. His size wasn't making her shy away. She pushed his dick even further down her throat, where it was tight and hot. She made a swallowing motion, inhaling him deep. The fact that she never gagged was a dead give away that this was not her first deepthroat.

He did take in air through clenched teeth at one time, not that she had taken him by surprise or anything. He had assumed she was no innocent little flower. His hand found her mass of hair and in lack of other things to hold on to, he gathered it up so most of it in his hand so it was out of her way while she enjoyed herself.

She pulled her fingers out of herself, using them to slick up underneath him, massaging behind his sack. While she could do it dry, sure, it felt so much better for a man to feel that slick hot feeling right on his goods. “You minx...” he grunted again and closed his eyes for a moment, before opening them just a smidge to look at her as she worked him.

He thought she had gotten enough of the fun, he firmly pushed her off him and down on the bed. Too much and she might think she was the one in charge! He turned and opened his bedside drawer and took out a box, sticking down his fingers, and grabbed a small packet and for a moment he pondered if he should let her put it on. Then he changed his mind and put the protection on himself, wincing just slightly as it pinched him. She watched as he slid the condom on, pouting just a little. Not because she even thought of the repercussions, she just knew it felt better for the both of them without some silly piece of rubber between them. He hated to have to wear it but...he had to be careful. It would not be good if something would come of the encounter. There were vultures everywhere.

Looking up at her he grinned and then crawled up into the bed with her. Slowly stroking her leg upwards. Soft and warm. His dark lust-filled eyes met her emerald ones, “I'm feeling generous, Ms. Brannon...I let you choose where you gonna get it first...and how rough...”

Her eyes twinkled, being given the reins. Perhaps Mr. Dominant liked to be put in his place after all? Oh, Tequila could play this game and she was going to have fun. She nudged him back in a sitting position, straddling his lap, holding his dick to her slicked up loins. She arched her back, using a hand on his shoulder to brace herself while she slicked him up for entry. She was gasping up a storm, really working him up. Now she teased the tip, pressing it firmly to her.

She didn't let him in her just yet. Not until she hung her arms around his shoulders loosely, looking him in the eye with a smile on her lips. She wanted to watch him as she bit her lip and lowered herself onto his dick. She moaned as the head penetrated her; that was always the hardest part to get in first. And then she just kept going. She was surprisingly tight, despite her promiscuous ways. Darcy was no small boy. He filled her right up as her mouth hung open, her eyes half shut, chest pushed out as she bottomed out in his lap, taking every inch of him in with one go. She was hot, tight and perfect. Not that he wished to openly admit something like that. His jaw clenched as she came down on him. Her walls were tight on him and he felt the wish to push into her harder but he restrained himself, he would get to it soon enough.

She huffed, blinking back her delirium and rocked her hips, letting him feel how hot she was, how tight she was, how deep he was into her. Only after that, did she start to come up again, slowly. She came back down just as slow, rubbing her breasts against his chest, "You ain't 'bout that tender lovin' are you, baby?" She hummed. "Show me what you do to ladies who ain't behavin'. Who ain't fuckin' their man right." Her grin turned dirty again, feeling the excitement build.

A smirk at her words. Not that stupid after all? His hands caressed her, going from her thighs, over her hips to the small of her back, then upwards. His arms around her as he pressed her closer and with a hand behind her head he locked her in as he kissed her. It was nothing tender and sweet about the kiss however. His hands came to her hips as he started to ‘direct’ her movements, turning them into short and hard thrusts deep into her. But it wasn't enough. He flipped her over, with himself still inside. Another bite at the base of her neck. A grin. “You are correct...”

Pulling some pillows towards her he made sure she was propped up both in a supporting way under her lower back and so she could watch if she was into it. Next, he made her fold her legs upwards and out, so she almost lay ‘double’ in a way, exposing her genitals with his dick still in her. He sat partly on his heels, just taking a little moment, but he moved slowly as he massaged her clit and the folds roughly. Then he leaned over her, placing his hands on either side of her head, scooting so close as he could, the over-side of his thighs touching the underside of hers. He pulled almost all the way out and then, with force he pushed himself in again.

She was all about watching him rail her deep. Her eyes hypnotized like it was a vanishing act, only she knew precisely where it was all going. The pressure between her legs was all the proof of that. But there was just something so animalistic and basic of human nature to watch. She sucked on her lip, flicking her eyes back up to him with a grin. Her body bounced at every thrust into her. She kept her abs tight to take each blow hard. She wasn't some wuss that had to whimper and flinch away. The way she licked her lips, smiled, and moaned told him just how much she was enjoying every second of it. Hell, she even pulled her legs back further, letting him get every inch into her.

Oh yes. He didn't give her much time to react to it before he did it again and again. She was so tight and hot! Every now and then he leaned his forehead against hers, never closing his eyes. Those that closed their eyes while doing this were weak. He liked to see her reaction. While he enjoyed listening to his partner making noise...he was a rather silent man himself. “Behave Ms. Brannon...and you might get to have your own little fun might even get to decide what to do next...” He pushed extra hard into her “...would you like that?”

Her moans got longer and higher pitched as he thrust into her hard and she kept up the motion of her fingers. She started to get even tighter around him, swelling with anticipation. Her toes curled hard, arching her back up and down, opening her lips and gasping.

That last hard thrust pushed her over. Too late to stop her now! She sighed loudly, "Oh, Mr. Darcy~" Her lady bits grabbed a hold of him hard, throbbing in tandem with his thrusts. If he thought she was wet before, now she was dripping wet. Her eyes rolled back for a moment, riding out her wave of ecstasy before she came back to him. He partly closed his eyes, a few grunts as she came, her walls pressing hard around him but he continued to push into her. Wanting more as always. A grin at how she moaned out his name. Excited little thing. She wasn't through and she wasn't about to let the fun stop. She was just now acclimated. She dragged her hands up his chest, giving his pecs a good squeeze, "Oh baby, I'm here to give you everything you could ever want. How 'bout I take you for a ride? Or did I misbehave again?" She grinned mischievously. Was he a guy that liked a girl getting off on him or one that wanted to get off first and the lady's pleasure wasn't of his concern?

A chuckle escaped him at her words, “I already have everything I want, Ms. Brannon...and I can “ he gave a thrust with more force into her as to prove his point “-have it whenever I want it...” He shifted, taking much of his weight on just one arm, while he used his hand to grab her breast with the other. Slowly he did a rotating motion with his hips as he pushed in and then out again. “You seem to like when I punish you, Ms. Brannon...” He could feel her trying to hold him firmly in place but he retracted from her vice grip. He pushed one of her legs aside so she flopped over on her side. Her butt cheek got a nice clatchy smack before he pushed into her again.

She yelped in a playful manner, being tossed over and spanked. He was so exhilarating! She didn't get to have so much fun in a bedroom often. She was lucky if the guys lasted more than five minutes before blowing their load. This was fun! She grinned and grabbed where he had smacked her, giving her butt a good squeeze and giggled. She flipped her hair over her shoulder, which was just scattered all about the bed at this point. She hiked up her leg, making sure he could still get deep into her.

The way he wasn't afraid of her or insecure about himself was a huge turn on and she was riding a post-orgasmic high. She slowly started to turn over, spreading her legs and getting on her hands and knees. Between her panting breaths, she asked, "You rich guys, you ever get kinky or is that a no-no in your palace, here?" She lowered her upper body, hiking her hips up to him, peeking over her shoulder with a naughty grin, chewing on a finger. "I dare ya, try to surprise me," she taunted and giggled. Guys like Darcy didn't like to be put in the category of 'average'. This kind of challenge would really get his blood pumping and she'd probably experience something she never had before which just made her quiver with excitement.

“If there was any of those things here, Ms. Brannon...” He pushed hard into her after almost pulling out completely. His fingers dug down slightly in her hips as he continued the same for a few strokes. “...if there was anything of that would still never hear about it...” He leaned down, his chest against her back, and after making sure she stood firm he wrapped his strong arms around her, letting her take his weight. One of his hands went to a breast, the other to her clit. He pinched it a few times before he started to let his fingers massage it and then her slick folds that formed around his dick.

His chin hooked over her shoulder, he sucked her neck just slightly, but enough to leave a little mark, perhaps a sign to other men he had been here. He had spread his own legs so he could thrust deep into her in an upwards motion. He stole a hungry kiss, a bit sloppy but still.

There was a box he had in his walk-in closet, a box that was actually locked with a key. While it didn't contain anything of great value he didn't want anyone seeing them. Just as her legs started to tremble again and as she was picturing her next orgasm, he pulled out of her. She huffed loudly, sitting up and looking where the hell he could be going that wasn't buried inside of her! He cared little about her pouting. Perhaps the small break made it possible for him to regroup. Go back a level, making it possible to last a little longer.

She leaned in with curiosity like the curious kitty she was, ears and whiskers perked, maybe a twitch of her tail. Her eyebrows arched upward, her eyes twinkling with interest seeing it; a replica of his own member. Connected to it was a little wire and a square little controller. On it was a switch that would make it vibrate. Darcy let the replica roll in his hand as he looked at her, a grin on his lips while with his other hand he gave himself a stroke. “So...what do you want where?”

She crawled forward a little to take the hefty hunk of rubber from his hands, giving them a rub, "Oh, baby, lemme show you, we've got some fine options and no limits." She gave him a playful look and a little giggle. She sat back on the bed, taking the dildo with her. She gave it a little kiss, looking him in the eye, wanting him to watch. She was a different kind of girl. Not shy about her body, not afraid to try new things, not worried about putting herself on display with such intimate things. She was adventurous and bold. Men like Darcy, she made sure to treat to something a little extra special. A bit of a show, so to speak.

She spread her legs, rubbing it between her legs, circling it between her folds, slicking the head up. "Lemme just get this ready to play with, baby," she said with a soft, husky tone. She slowly pushed it into her, gasping a little, looking up at him, making sure he was watching. She leaned back a little more, pushing it further in, only pulling back a little each time to make sure it got lubed up. The beauty of being a woman.

She didn't turn on the vibrations just yet. She knew she had little self control with these things once it got going. She was addicted to how quickly they could satisfy. She pushed it all the way into her to its base, rolling her head back with a moan, running a hand up her body, giving her chest a good squeeze. She gave a couple tugs and pushes back into herself before pulling it all the way back out again.

"Now we can play, baby," she purred. She had a dirty smile on her lips, glancing down at her thighs and back up to him. She'd show him just how bold she was. She was sure he had never had a woman like her and she was out to prove that point. She lowered it even further between her legs, leaning back a little more to roll her pelvis up. She repeated her actions, this time right between those plump butt cheeks, taking a little more time to get herself stretched out. She chewed and sucked on a finger, eyes gleaming in his direction.

She reached for her lady folds and spread them, taunting him, "Why don't you come fill me up, baby?" Her eyes squinted a little, daring him. If he thought she was tight before, with the vibrator filling her backend, he was about to find near-virgin tight walls. And once it got vibrating, not only would she be consumed by its hypnotizing ways, no doubt he'd be able to feel it through her body too. Rich boy was getting a lesson in kinky.

At her beckoning call he had already moved towards her. While watching her was hot, he had little patience to wait for his ‘turn’. A Darcy never had to wait. Not for anything. A Darcy got what a Darcy wanted, end of story. Now he wanted her. Therefore he didn't waste much time to enter her, instead he pressed his way in. It was a good thing she was so wet as she was. A slightly held back moan did escape him as he pushed in and she felt so tight, hot and still so compressing around him.

The old bed squeaked slightly at the rocking motion he created. He was now back at the level of lust he had been at before leaving to get the toy. If there was ever a moment to lose herself in a moment, it was now. She gasped and moaned, throwing her head back. Flipping the vibrations on and his dick had her writhing underneath him. She panted hard, repeating "yes" several times, getting lost on her breath. Given how tight she was, and how she worked around him, her sounds and actions towards him, as well as how long he had held himself back he knew it was close to the point of no return. After that he would have to finish. He just had to fill her a few more times, hear her moan under him. A slightly frustrated thrust and he felt himself getting all the way to his hilt.

At one point, she laid back, arching her back again, everything even tighter! She moaned loudly, gripping the sheets, pumping her hips at him as another orgasm took her by surprise; it came so quick, she had no control over herself. When she had any idea of where she was, she was pushing and pulling the dildo in tandem with Darcy's thrusts and oh, god it felt so good. Even through the condom, she could feel him start to get rigid. Rigid in the way he was about to finish. And that just turned her moans husky in anticipation.

She hardly had time to give him a lusty grin and respond before she felt the build yet again! Oh, he was good. "Oh my god, yes!" she begged. "Oh god, yes, fill me up! I want it all!" Her words were being swallowed up by her moans as a massive wave of warm tingly pleasure was on its way to sweep her into the ocean of pleasure.

The familiar tingle in his loins. A futile attempt to hold back just a little more but then he rammed himself in one last time as he placed most of his weight on her to be sure to get all of him into her. All the while feeling the vibrations beneath. A few post release thrusts and then he lay still for a moment, catching his breath, as he lay on her. Then he rolled off her, switching the vibrator off. With a relaxed sigh after stripping the condom away and disposing it, he rolled to his back again, his hands behind his head. He didn't bother to cover himself up. They just had sex so why would he suddenly become all shy. Some women suddenly were all in a hurry covering their bodies afterwards. It was ridiculous. Like he would get a shock over that they had breasts or something.

He glanced at her. She was different. She certainly wasn't shy. He wasn't one of those men who was going to ask if she thought it was good or not. He knew it had been. The tension and frustration he had felt before was gone. More sober thoughts came to him now. There was a tickle at his arm. Her hair probably. He turned slightly, looking at her. What would she do now? He hoped she wasn't one of those that expected cuddles or anything. Usually it meant he had to lay there with his mouth full of her hair for thirty minutes or more.

Tequila had her own clean up to attend to. She just chucked the vibrator off to the side, unbothered by it laying out. She lay still for a couple moments, catching her breath, letting her heart settle again. The smile stayed on her lips. The feeling of satisfaction still coursing through her veins. Not just the hormones released but the feeling of pride. She had been laid by some super rich, fancy guy. A new trophy for her collection. She mentally gave herself a high-five.

Eventually, she sat up again, flicking her hair forward to comb through it with her fingers. She was prone to a bit of sex-hair, stray strands with their own personalities. But just a quick pat down, there was enough hair spray in there to tame them down again. She flipped the mass back over her shoulder and looked over herself. First off, she thought she looked pretty slamming. Second, she could use a wipe down. She grinned and instead of rolling off the other side of the bed, she straddled herself over Darcy. She gave his chest a good pat, leaning down with a smile. She kissed her finger and tapped his lips gently with the same one. "Thanks, baby," she said in a hushed tone. She continued to step off the bed, getting both her feet in front of her before hopping off. She looked over her shoulder, "I won't forget my lesson any time soon, Mr. Darcy."

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