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  • Writer's pictureDrasayer

Hot Shot

Lukas stood on legs that felt like a newborn foal’s walking for the first time. He took a moment to breathe before making his way to Jarin, crouching down to him; a heap on the floor with a towel over his head. “Um…Hey.” He gently pulled the towel up to see Jarin’s features again, the ones the man was trying to hide from the world, and gave him a friendly smile, cupping his cheek with his free hand, he was letting his body do what it wanted, hoping it would steer them in a good direction, the confidence was a bit scary but Lukas knew now that if he was panicked then surly Jarin would panic too…

Jarin was looking awfully pathetic hiding under a towel all because he thought of one naked body for a split second. He looked absolutely hopeless, looking back up to Lukas. He was so nice.

Lukas looked into Jarin’s embarrassed eyes, “I love you…Sunshine.”

Lukas breathed before leaning down to kiss Jarin, this time more passionately than anytime before. Jarin only relaxed a little after a heavy kiss drained him of his worry. Momentarily. Lukas leaned back again and stared at Jarin for a moment. “…Jarin…how should I show you how much I love you?”

Lukas was so warm against Jarin’s chilled skin from their day at the beach. He was drawn to his warmth. He put a hand on Lukas’s cheek, sinking into his eyes, thinking of everything Lukas had to endure to be here and still choose to show love. (Jarin has a thing for men with emotional baggage.) He was so selfless, it pulled at Jarin's sopping heart. He responded softly, "You show me all the time."

And just as his eyes could gently shut, he was leaning back into Lukas. Only this kiss continued to build. Gentle at first but with one interrupted gasp for air, Jarin really pushed into it, sitting up and closing the gap between their bodies. Both hands trapped Lukas to his lips, pulling at his hair to keep him close. Jarin kept bearing down on Lukas, pulling the life force out of him and filling him with this super heated air. He felt Lukas rock backwards and leaned over his lap. He was just about to push him all the way to his back when he finally came to.

Jarin smacked his lips, panting lightly, a glossy look over his eyes. The boy couldn't help himself. "Lukas, I love a lot," he said it like that was some kind of warning. "And I can't help it. It's just who I am. Is it okay," his breath was shaky as he tried to compose himself, "If I love you too?"

Lukas struggled to keep his cool, he didn’t answer right away, deciding instead to help Jarin off the entryway rug, “Of course…” he mumbled still in a daze from the intensity before, “Of course, you can love me Jarin.”

His body was craving more, more intensity, just like before Lukas stared at Jarin, and leaned in again for an attack of his own, gently touching his partner's waist again. It stirred forth a little whimper to roll over Lukas's lips. Perhaps not a ticklish part of Jarin’s body but seemed to excite a different response. Lukas was grappling with himself not to just…bite him a little on the exposed skin of Jarins neck he could see out of the corner of his eye…why did he want to do that?

He accidentally stumbled a bit mid-kiss causing Jarin’s back to hit the front door that they were still in front of, that caused Lukas to stop again, “Jarin-” he said the name breathlessly again, “should we…move..?”

"Move?" He sounded like he was in the midst of a workout. "No, you just got here. This is fine," he responded from another planet. He didn't put together what Lukas had meant. That would require thinking and there wasn't enough blood supply to ration for such trivial functions.

Which probably what prompted Jarin to open his mouth again, "Lukas, what I wanted to ask you earlier… uhm…" He squeezed his arms harder, "So…" he had to look away. "I wanted to ask if…when you texted me that we could do whatever we wanted here…alone… and that was after I told you about things I've done…," he cleared his throat, really ducking his face from direct view, "You…want to…ya know…" Shit, he couldn't say it. His mouth dried to ashes. "Do…things," he wheezed quietly, barely audible, sinking his claws into his arms before he bolted through the solid door behind him. He had to know if he totally misunderstood the whole situation or not! Before he made a huge mistake!

“Yes-” Lukas said near immediately, he honestly didn’t know where that swiftness came from! He was too focused on just doing whatever felt right and reacting to Jarin's movements more than thinking about anything else but…

“I do-I would like to…” He chewed on his lip just to make sure this was real, “do things…with you…” he added in a soft tone, he gave Jarin a small smile to reassure him, hoping it would help him ease his worries the least bit, he barely noticed the angry red marks Jarins nails had made in his arms, Lukas moved Jarin’s claws to his shoulders, so he could slide his hands down to Jarin’s waist again, something he’d noticed that Jarin seemed to enjoy at least, without letting Jarin fall against the door again, “ As much as I want to do it here though…I’m not sure if my front door would…hold up…or us…”

"Oh…" Jarin looked back to the door like he just noticed its existence. Eh, looked solid enough really. He'd already run into it so many times…

Jarin snapped his attention back to Lukas, finally landing back on the planet, "Oh!" Now he realized what he had just asked and what Lukas had just said! "Y-you do!?" He immediately felt stupid for asking again and for sounding so shocked. But it was like for once he didn't misinterpret a feeling he had. Wow! It felt great to be able to read a room for once!

"Mm!!" Jarin jumped again. "I- I have the stuff!" He popped Lukas on the chest, dipping out of his arms and heading for the stairs in a hurry. Jelly knees and terrible eyesight was a combo for stubbed toes on the stairs and nearly taking a shoulder off on the wall, but he flew up the flight of stairs and into Lukas's room where his bag was. After a very quick and calculated rummage, Jarin came sprinting out of his room and nearly plastered Lukas into the floorboards.

"I-!" Jarin huffed, sucking up his inability to speak on the matter and spit it all out just as Elias told him to do. "I have been tested and I passed! It was super embarrassing but Elias said I needed to to make sure I was okay! And we're supposed to use these!" He shoved a literal armful of condoms at Lukas. So many they rained onto the floor under them. All different kinds, sizes, textures…flavors… "I…I didn't know-" Jarin's face was well past the red color and starting to turn purple. "-what size…" he let the rest of that sentence drift away unspoken. It was pretty obvious what he meant by the size of what. "I-" he leaned in close to whisper in Lukas's ear his dirty little secret, "I've never used one before."

"And this!" He shoved one more thing onto the pile. A little bottle of lube, unopened, ready to bless their day. "I-i l-like this one…" he muttered so quietly, actually shaking from how embarrassed he was. He never had to share all of this! The others, Tristan and Sydney, they just…did it. But now he knew so much more than the days of thinking that looking at a naked man would make him pregnant somehow.

“Stuff?-” Lukas closed his mouth when Jarin pushed the tiny packages toward him to take, just now noticing they were actually condoms as most of them fell on the floor and he only managed to actually hold about ten… “Um…” he immediately got on his knees to skim through the pile, as embarrassed as he was he surprised himself with the fact he wanted to try a lot of them…picking up a ‘large’ with colorful wrapping, yea this was…new

“I’ve never had to buy these before because well…” his throat went as dry as a desert, why was he so embarrassed? He tossed the fancy condom back onto the pile to shuffle through them again, stalling, “I’m embarrassed to say I’ve never done this before, I got close a long time ago with a friend but it didn’t go very far at all.” he blurted it out, he looked over the small bottle as he continued, “I mean I know what to do I just haven’t been interested to try with anyone else…but you.” He took more of the little packages to look at doing anything to avoid Jarins gaze, “I think these would be okay, uh, I don’t know what texture you like actually and…flavor…if it matters…” he added, glancing toward his partner. “Y’know when we get through this, it’ll be easier next time--if there is a next time…” he sighed. Come on Lukas, get it together and get through THIS time.

"Oh, I haven't done this either!" Jarin joined him at the pile, poking through them. He didn't even know how a square was going to be useful in their circumstance. "I didn't think guys needed to use them…" he admitted bashfully. "Do…do we eat them?? Is that how they work??" And no, it didn't seem like Jarin followed with the whole addition of Lukas being a virgin. Blew over the boy's head while being stunned stupid over condoms. He figured Lukas would know what to do with them but if he didn't know either… "Should we…Google it? Uhm, if we don't want to use one..uhm," Jarin sat back, fiddling with the hem of his shirt, looking through his lashes. He whispered smoothly, "I know what to do then…"

"Men usually use them in case of diseases or if they just don't want their partner to finish in-" Lukas paused as his cheeks flooded with the familiar red color, may as well just get the blush as a rad face tattoo.

"-side… " he finished and looked at Jarin. "Why is this so hard?" he muttered to himself and turned to Jarin. "Okay-um so idea we can either not use one or I can just grab a random one and forget the rest… for now? " He smiled at Jarin again, "I don't mind either way…"

Jarin had no damn clue either. They were both way in over their head (about the most basic step of the whole process…). Jarin looked from the pile to Lukas, pretty sure he could make out some kind of worry.

Jarin reached for him, feeling that tickle from his chest flutter all over his body. Sunshine. He wanted to be the warmth that scattered the clouds. He smiled gently, crawling over the pile between them. "I didn't know why it got hard either but it's supposed to. It does every time." Jarin was wildly misinterpreting what Lukas was saying like it was a profession.

He reached behind Lukas, giving a pull at his ponytail, pulling it free as he kept crawling closer. "Lukas?" He pushed up against him, his cold wet clothes sucking the heat from his body, running his hands back through his hair and he pushed a kiss onto him. He spread his hips apart until either knee trapped Lukas between his legs. "You were trying to tell me you're a virgin?" He didn't know how to use these condom things (granted, neither did Jarin) and he didn't know it was supposed to be hard, Ace Detective Jarin was more clever than ever. Jarin sat straddled in his lap, holding his hot cheeks close to his own. Their faces could start a fire between the both of them. "Is that right?" He stared down into his eyes with the warmth of the sun, not an ounce of a judgmental thought.

Lukas barely had the time to process what Jarin had said, that or his brain was just working at turtle speed right now, before Jarin was on top of him,” W-What-” was all he could process as his brain function nearly went down, what happened to him being the confident one again? As Jarin moved his legs to snare either side of Lukas he couldn’t hold the temptation to just…touch them. He ran a hand up the outside of Jarins thigh until his fingertips met the wet shorts Jarin had been in his whole time, “Yea” he was enthralled by his partner’s beauty and allure, “That’s right…”

Jarin struggled to contain a shudder that made his whole body tremble over Lukas, all caused by his hands moving up his legs. The tiniest little whimper tickled Lukas's ear before Jarin could muster some self control again. He leaned back in his lap, still holding his hot cheeks and smiled. "I'm so happy for you! You can choose anyone to give your virginity to! And- and you're sure- absolutely sure you want to share that with me? Because I- I'm not ready to be a boyfriend or get married and I definitely can't raise children," he shook his head. "So are you really, really, reeeeallly sure…" He leaned in, resting his forehead on Lukas's, sharing hot breaths between the two of them. "All I can do is love you as hard as my heart will let me," he whispered genuinely.

“Yeah, I’m sure” Lukas looked into Jarins eyes as their foreheads met, and he smiled just the slightest bit again, “I thought of this for a long time and it’s always been you Jar…so even if you aren’t interested in me for more than this, as much as I’d like to be your boyfriend or marry you-ah well…just… it’s okay…” he was embarrassed again but brushed the thought aside, before kissing Jarin again. It was true he wanted more but he also knew Jarin still needed to figure things out for himself and the last thing Lukas wanted was to be too selfish, that was another topic for another day.

“I’m okay with that…” Lukas stared at Jarin again, eyes glazed over just like before, “As long as you let me love you too?” he nearly whispered. “I have a lot of love to give and not many people to give it to, so, is it okay if I give all my love to you, Sunshine?” Curious hands slid Jarin’s sides under the damp tank top he’d swam in. Lukas’s lips met Jarins neck and he noted how salty it was from the sea…

"Mmmyea!" Jarin sort of yipped, melting over Lukas's shoulders. It was easier this way, neither one would have to see how embarrassed the other was. "You can give it to me!"

Jarin gasped, tightening his squeeze on Lukas's shoulders. He buried his face into the crook of Lukas's neck as his thighs shook hard before pinching around Lukas's waist. His hands on his body rocked him to the core. He was overcome with a moan that made him slide a hand over his mouth. Aw christ. "Sorry," he said, muffled under his hand. "I get excited. You have strong hands," he swooned. "If you just…" Jarin reached for his hands and guided them lower. "It makes me feel…" His hands trembled in anticipation and because he had never directed a partner's hands before. But he wanted to know what his hands would be like on his hips. Right where they bowed out from his tight waistline. It took a handful to get a proper hold on those hips. He didn't even have to grab and Jarin moaned again, louder this time. He knew the sensation did this to his body, but damn, that had been a stronger effect than he thought it would be!

"Give it to me, Lukas," he panted, dragging his hips forward across his lap. He was not being coy about his ass giving an early hello to the goods below. Jarin meant every word he warned Lukas of: he was no saint. "I can take it all," he muttered into his ear.

Lukas was now completely entranced by Jarin and his body, he was so…curious. What would happen if he did this? Or that? Lukas smiled to himself as his hands settled on Jarin’s hips he didn’t even have to do anything to them before his partner was shivering, “You like my hands that much, huh?” Lukas leaned up to whisper the question in Jarin ear followed by a sharp squeeze of said hips, If Jarin liked his hands so much he’d be sure to use them properly~

Lukas wanted to play with Jarin some more. He kept a hand on one of his hips and ran the other down Jarin’s leg. He got close to the man’s groin but it was just a tease. “Where else do you want my hands, beautiful?” He settled back on his hips and squeezed again, enough to leave gentle, fading handprints~

Jarin was turning into a moaning mess, every squeeze receiving another call to the heavens. "Mmnnnnyeah!" He gasped, leaning into his hands, his body drawn to him like a magnet. He slumped forward, hugging his arms around Lukas's neck, arching his back. He about squealed with his hands so close between his legs, he thought he was going to grab his bits and pieces but when his hand trailed away again, he sighed loudly, hanging on him like a wet towel. His heart was pounding so hard!

Jarin's clothes might have been cool to the touch, but his body was on fire. He raked his fingertips over Lukas's shoulders, getting his own feel of his musculature. He was just as firm and toned as he looked. But not before tipping back slightly and making a reach over to the forgotten condoms. He swiped the bottle of lube and pressed it against Lukas's chest. "You could put them inside me," he whispered hot and heavy directly into Lukas's ear. "Do you know how? Ooooone at a time," he poked his chest one finger at a time, rolling the bottle against his pec. He popped the cap open to get his attention, in case it was lost in the steam of the moment. Not that he helped when he gyrated his hips over his lap again, that dirty sinful side of Jarin was pretty sure he was feeling what he was really after underneath him. "Large" as he seemed to recall Lukas picking out of the pile was starting to feel like he may have been underselling himself.

“Dammit-” Lukas held back a groan as he felt Jarin rock his hips on his lap, he had forgotten everything else around him now and was only focused on Jarin and this moment right here, right now. “Really?” Lukas didn’t wait for the answer before grabbing Jarins hips again and sudden, he grabbed the bottle and reached for one of the wrappers near by, he wasn’t sure which one he grabbed and honestly he didn’t even check before carrying Jarin into the living room. Not skipping a beat, he laid Jarin on the fluffy rug in front of his couch, he leaned back and stared at Jarin. God, he was hot like this, not that he wasn’t in the daylight, of course, but this was so…new, he loved it.

Lukas grabbed the bottle and coated a finger, he wanted to be sure Jarin saw it, “Is this what you want?” he asked as if he didn’t know already. He leaned down between Jarins legs to kiss him once again as the hand found its target while Jarin was distracted. He pressed and moved and did whatever he thought his partner below him would enjoy, while up top he settled himself with biting Jarins exposed neck, not able to hold himself back, the swim shorts he still wore were killing him right now…

Jarin’s head was all in a tizzy. He had no recolleciton of moving other than holding onto Lukas real tight and then there they were. His focus was honed in on only one person in the room: Lukas. Sure, he had done these things with another before. But there was something truly unique and revitalizing about someone new. The feels were all different and the touches were electric. His thighs clamped around Lukas and his back arched, feeling Lukas slip into him. Warmth spread quickly between his legs as the lube had that gentle warming effect.

"Lukaaas!" He gasped again, grabbing his biceps and the nails sank in, feeling the teeth on his neck. The sensations were too much, he didn't know what to respond to and moaned louder. "Oh, god, yes! I want it! Another!" Knowing it was just going to make him cry for more. He was a very vocal lover.

Out of nothing by instinct, he grabbed the waistband of his own shorts as they threatened to leave him exposed from Lukas's work. Jarin would always struggle with the whole naked thing about sex. For now, he kept them tugged over himself, fighting two battles: one that wanted to keep covered up because that would be rude to get naked in the middle of his living room and the other force making him hook his heels behind Lukas's thighs and tug him in for more.

“Another?” Lukas asked in a coy manner, as if he didn’t know what Jarin meant, but he did, he pressed a second finger against Jarin and teased even a third just for a moment, “This would be easier if you were naked you know.” As if he wasn’t a hypocrite, something held him back, possibly the only shred of consciousness he had left, but he was all too curious to see what Jarin thought of him at the same time…

“So how much more do you want, Babe?” Lukas breathed in Jarin’s ear and moved a hand down to brush against him, then to his own situation he messed with the strings until he felt the still damp swim trunk give a bit. “What do you think…remember what I said earlier Jar? If you wanted to see me naked, just ask~”

Every touch was another snap of hot energy coursing through Jarin's veins. He was so embarrassed he behaved this way but it was just so satisfying, it felt so good. "Well," he huffed while catching his breath, "If you want to give me your virginity, th-then…I'm gonna need a lot more." His eyes traveled down his body as he loosened the strings to his shorts. He whimpered quietly which just embarrassed him again, looking back up to his eyes. He nibbled on the end of a finger, turning a shoulder to him bashfully with a little playful grin forming. "You first." His other hand still held a firm grip on his shorts and even started thumbing at his tank top to totally lock his bare body away.

Lukas chuckled at Jarin’s playfulness, “Me first? Alright I’ll oblige, your request~” Lukas leaned back enough to remove his shorts with ease, and then a bit of embarrassment flew back through the windows into the back of his head, only now realizing ‘hey you’re naked now btw’.

"Hhhhnnnnnnwooow," Jarin swooned, unable to keep his eyes from wandering. He made a pathetic attempt to look like he totally wasn't looking by covering his eyes with a hand but he was totally still peeking. Jarin really had an attraction to fit dudes and Lukas really checked all the boxes. Maybe fit dudes with an accent and a dick of unfair proportions.

Lukas shook off the embarrassment and leaned back between Jarin’s thighs. God, those thighs were gonna kill him one day. He rolled his hips to tease Jarin- maybe a little payback too, just because he could feel himself against one of Jarin’s thighs and wondered if Jarin did too. Did he get to see what he was working with? Another gentle roll and at this point Lukas was just being mean, “It’s your turn to strip. A little unfair I’m already naked and you aren’t, isn’t it?”

He bit his lip, considering that maybe it was unfair that Lukas was the only naked one. "O-okay," he mumbled quietly. But to do that, he insisted on squirming out from under Lukas. He got onto his very shaky legs, practically trembling from equal parts arousal and excitement. He stared down at Lukas a moment like the shorts were just gonna fall off themself. He managed to grab a hold of the waistband but that was all he could take before he bashfully turned his back to Lukas. (Unaware that might be the better angle for viewing anyway ;D) Another split second hesitation came when deciding what to do about his underwear. Jarin just wore his regular clothes to the beach… well! Fair was fair.

The shorts slid slowly down his thighs to his ankles, bending over to take them off one leg at a time. He did decide to leave the underwear on which might have caused more of a stir than if he had stripped it off. Lukas had such easy access before because the underwear of choice was a strappy looking thong, hardly anything to it buried in those plump ass cheeks.

Jarin quickly plopped down on the rug in front of Lukas like he could still hide his shame. He tugged his shirt down on the front side, looking over his shoulder with a pouty lip, "Y-you only took off your trunks s-so so," he gestured to his shorts, "It's fair right?"

How he sat with his legs tucked under him stuck that big ol booty out and underneath that tiny strap of underwear was an interesting string of text. A tattoo. In all caps 'HE <3 YOU' with the tip of the heart nestled between the two soft mounds of ass. Who was 'He'? Was it a message from Jarin to whoever was back there or from whoever was knocking on Jarin's backdoor delivering a message to him?

Lukas reached a hand over, sliding a finger along the waistline of the scandalous thong stopping at the tattoo, "You have a tattoo? Wooow.” Lukas didn't think too much of the ink. He glanced at Jarin’s pouty lip and leaned his body over where his chest rested on Jarin’s back, "Well, I can work with it if that's what you're asking, but not one hundred percent fair." He dragged a hand along Jarin’s leg, back to his hips, and squeezed again. "You're beautiful," he mumbled, echoing back to how he first met Jarin, blurting the same saying out behind the shield of Fame’s stall all that time ago at the Winter Show…

Jarin sighed with merriment, feeling Lukas bump up against him and grab his hips again. He bucked back, pressing closer to Lukas's chest. Mmm, there was nothing as hot as a man's chest pressed to his backside. But not fair? But he- how naked did he have to get!? And yet he was still getting such nice compliments that made his cheeks so warm and toasty that made his chest feel all tingly inside.

"O-okay, but only because i- I like you and this is special." It wasn't lost on Jarin how stressful he felt hanging onto his virginity for so long and then finally ready to relieve himself of it. Ah, so embarrassing!

Jarin fought with the thong first, thinking he could get it pulled off but it was proving to be difficult until a pop! Jarin flinched a little, feeling the release all at once. Whoops. It broke. He glanced over his shoulder as he set what was left of the fabric off to the side. He hesitated for the shirt. It was the last barrier he had before being completely exposed. But Lukas had been so willing to do it when Jarin asked/demanded.

First, Jarin turned around again, still hiding his arousal with his shirt. But he could be a better distraction by grabbing Lukas by his cheeks and pushing a kiss onto his lips. He caught his tongue for extra distraction before he grabbed the bottom of his tank top and quickly yanked it over his head. Jarin was up on his knees, still eating Lukas's soul through his face. "Lukas," he panted, rubbing a hand over his chest. "Are you ready? You still want this, right? I want all of it," Jarin proved it, reaching down between Lukas's legs and grabbing that endowment. Gently, pulling up on it, closer to himself. Eyes half open, panting with adrenaline from being so wrapped up, he whispered, "All of you."

“Yes.” He was breathless already and they hadn’t even started, Jarin’s fingers simply touching him almost did him in right there. Lukas pulled Jarin closer, nearly forgetting the little package he’d stolen ages ago, “You want this too or…just me-”

Jarin smiled, pushing a handful of Lukas's hair out of the way. He took the little square and made the executive decision to simply flick it across the room. Eh. That's the last he gave it any thought.

It was go-time. Jarin couldn't restrain his yearning any longer. Not when the man was right between his legs. He swiped the lube from the floor and sloppily applied some to his hand and slicked a dick in a heartbeat. He shifted up onto his knees, his body trembling with anticipation. "Oh, god," he inhaled, just starting to line up over Lukas's erection. "Just let me-" He gasped, grabbing at Lukas's shoulder to brace himself. "Shit," he moaned, feeling the pressure. There went the nails into Lukas's back as the moan started to build, Lukas starting to slide into Jarin. He leaned over him, using both of his shoulders now, his hot breath rolling down his back as he pushed down lower and lower.

“Oh God-” Lukas seethed, clenching his teeth, but he didn’t want saving, not from this. He was in pure bliss feeling himself buried in Jarin, all the anxiety had dissipated leaving just pure passion and need, a need to satisfy the man on top of him…

Jarin was working hard to take him all in, the greedy boy. He wasn't completely satisfied until he felt his ass touch the tops of Lukas's thighs. He thrusted his hips forward, gasping as he felt Lukas tug along with him. The heat from the lube coupled with the body heat and passion was starting a warm fire between the two of them. "Ohmigawd, you feel so good, Lukas. Does that feel good?" He asked as he lifted his hips up and dropped back down again.

“It’s amazing-you, you are amazing–” Lukas breathed, settling his hands on those hips. Jarin oh so loved being played with squeezing and rocking in tune with Jarin. To start, as he got more confident, he squeezed those mesmerizing hips tighter once again leaving his handprints and setting a gentle but quick pace, pulling Jarin’s body down as he went up for…maximum enjoyment.

“So beautiful…” he muttered, he couldn’t help himself, “ I just wanna…”, Lukas leaned up still plunging into Jarin with ease and bit his neck once again, he just wanted to…show whoever else Jarin was with that he was here now, and he wouldn’t let go. The passion getting to his head he released Jarin’s neck and redirected his lips back to Jarins, the moaning, squealing mess on top of him was really hot after all and they’d just gotten started, “You feel incredible, Sunshine~” he purred in Jarin’s ear.

The chomp on his neck was so intense, all Jarin could do was gasp and tightened all over like prey succumbing to predator. He hadn't ever been bit like that before! He thought it was going to hurt but no, it was all tingly and made his breath shudder. Whoa. As soon as Lukas released him, his back arched, his moans filling the house.

"Did you just try to eat me!?" He gasped, placing a hand over the chomp. "If you're hungry, all you had to do was say so," Jarin's warm words drifted over Lukas's lips. He placed his hands on Lukas's chest and rubbed them over his pecs to his shoulders, giving him a good feel while he torqued his hips. "I get hungry too," he purred back.

He kept a firm hold on his shoulders and pulled them both over until Jarin's back was on the rug and Lukas was over the top of him. Jarin kept his legs spread for him, inviting him to stay with his body. "You fill me up," he begged, "And you can have as much as you want from me."

“Is that a promise?” Lukas asked leaning down to bite at Jarin again, aiming for his unblemished soft collarbone. He settled back into Jarin fairly quickly, no way he wanted to stop now that he was addicted. He found a rhythm once again, sliding a hand under Jarins head just so the man wouldn’t hurt himself if it got too intense; he was still a gentleman, after all! He looked over his partner, love and lust both mixed in his eyes. “What happens if I want everything, Jar? Maybe I’m greedy~” he cooed. His free hand wandered between Jarin’s legs to touch him there too while still drilling into him, he just…wanted to see what would happen.

Jarin was only just recovering from his love bite, coming back from the fog. “Yea, you can have everyth-” Jarin lurched forward so hard, he headbutted Lukas in the shoulder with a loud exclamation. Just as soon as his hands tried to grab anything, he flopped back onto his back, thrusting his hips up into Lukas’s hand. From flailing his foot, his heel caught the cushion of the couch, providing a kind of platform to get up more. “Lukas! Lukas!” Jarin panted as his brain was dragged through all the pleasures happening. Lukas driving into him, his hand around him, the subtle heat on his neck and collarbone, wave after wave of ecstasy.

"Lukas! If you do that, i-" Jarin panted and moaned louder, digging his claws into the carpet as his body kept doing what it wanted on its own, his hips driving back into Lukas's thighs, making Jarin call out again, "I-i can't control- I'll- I can't take it-!" True, if Lukas was learning anything about Jarin was just how sensitive to touch he was.

“Jarin~” he called back another soft tease as he continued his work, holding his hips the best he could as Jarin bucked and quaked under him. He chewed his lip as Jarin called his name even more, “What can’t you take?” Lukas asked as he abused Jarin’s neck further, the pinkish, purple swollen mark he left, in his opinion, looked beautiful so he moved to decorate Jarin’s body with more. As he worked his mouth around Jarins’s body, his hand didn’t stop. He did notice how easy Jarin reacted to the touch, but didn’t want that to be the only reason his toes curled. Lukas wasn’t going to make that happen with more than just a hand so he slowed the hand and sped up the hips…

“How hungry are you, beautiful?” Lukas asked his pace becoming more erratic the closer he got, “I have plenty to offer~”

Jarin warned him. He sure did. He was done for. There was no coming back down from the stratosphere where all the stimulus sent him. At some point, he tried grabbing Lukas’s hand around him like maybe if he begged, he could last a while longer for him but nah, he wildly missed after another bite made him flinch hard. Maybe he said something but it only came out as an elevated yelp.

The thighs wrapped around Lukas’s side shuddered and shook as Jarin’s body went rigid. His back arched hard, lifting into Lukas’s arms. Jarin’s short, airy whimpers cut off altogether for a split second. Nails raked down Lukas’s sides as Jarin called to the heavens above, letting all the angels know he found heaven on Earth. The orgasm thrust his hips back and forth from pure bliss.

“Yea, Lukas, yea,” he responded, so smooth as butter as ecstasy radiated from every pore. He had no idea what he was saying or why, just that Lukas had asked something and he just naturally felt he should agree or give permission. His smile was so full of lust as he felt up Lukas’s sides again, running over the tracks he left seconds ago. If he was asked, he wouldn’t be able to say where he was, what year it was, probably not even his own name. But damn, he felt so good.

Lukas tried his best to keep going but as soon as he felt Jarin tighten around him in such a way that only meant the end was near, he couldn’t control anything anymore. His breathing hitched, and he leaned over Jarin’s body that had arched to meet his and held back from biting Jarin again as he hit his peak. He made a faint noise when Jarin had scratched his sides and then trailed them again with his soft fingertips.

Lukas rode the release as long as he could, freeing Jarins hair he’d not even noticed he’d grabbed when he felt it coming, before finally looking over the man under him. It seemed like they were both in a daze at least. Lukas couldn’t believe how great it was…and that he actually managed to do it and satisfy Jarin in the first place, “How did I do…?” Lukas asked, still finding his breath, he was reluctant to leave Jarin but knew he probably should.

“Yeeeeeeaaaa,” Jarin sighed, absent-mindedly. He pulled Lukas down for a very sloppy kiss like he forgot the human anatomy of the face. He eventually found some lips and giggled over it. He slid his calves behind Lukas’s rear end and locked him in place. “Not yet,” he whispered, reveling in the feeling of him still inside, so hot and tight. “How did you know how to do all that?” He sighed again like he just had a really good stretch. “Did you bite me?” He was slowly starting to come out of his daze, releasing his hold on him to free himself from captivity.

“A little too much…” Lukas admitted looking over Jarins body, it was littered with bite marks and hickeys to spare, “Sorry…” he added he stayed in place for a bit longer, “Me? I…don’t know I just did what I thought I should…” he explained. He didn’t really know how to describe it other than just that.

Lukas finally pulled away from Jarin and with his own sigh lay beside him on the rug, “I never thought that would happen…” Lukas mumbled more to himself. “I'm happy though…” he glanced toward Jarin then sat up once again, “I guess it’s payback?” Lukas laughed a bit, gesturing to his new battle scars down his sides, “I bite you, you scratch me?”

“Ooh? Did we fight?” Jarin was asking like he hadn’t actually been there or the one partaking in the battle. He leaned closer, squinting at Lukas’s side. “Whaaa…” Jarin ran a finger over the red whelps where tiny droplets of blood threatened to make it look way worse than it actually was. “I-I don’t usually do that! Or, I mean, I can! I just-”

It was then Jarin felt the dribble not only between his legs which was welcome but the slight trickle on his chest. He glanced down at the state he was in, wearing his own bliss all over his chest. Whoop. Party time was over. The regular ol’ Jarin sprang to life. He gasped, sitting up, trying to wipe the jizz but not really knowing what to do with it and not really sure if he should touch it, “Ah! Sorry! Eeeuuuhhh-” Jarin squirmed, shooting a hand between his legs before he just added to the horrors that the carpet had witnessed.

Jarin stared down at Lukas for a split second as his face turned crimson. Oh no, his clothes fell off. When!? Jarin slapped his arm across his chest and pinched his legs shut, hunkering over like they weren’t just minutes removed from slamming their bits together. “UHM! Y-You forgot to sh-shower! By the way!”

“Huh? oh...OH Yeah-”

That’s what they were planning to do before this all evolved. Talk about a detour.

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