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  • Writer's pictureDrasayer

Full Bloom

Updated: Feb 26, 2019

Jarin shivered, feeling his breath on the back of his neck. Every day grew harder and harder to resist the temptation of sin. With the devil at his back door, Jarin felt exalted from the inferno melting away what he believed to be his strongest defense. His virginity. Many times he slipped out of his clutches, his mind still rampant of the fear of something so permanent:

“I can't! I don't think I'm ready!”

“It ain't a fuckin’ sport, dumbass.” He'd laugh it off.

“I'm not ready to marry anyone!”

He'd look confused, “Don't have to be?”

“I've never-I dont even know what to do!”

He'd snort, “How ‘bout you put that phone to good use and find yerself some good ol’ porn.”

And here they were again. Sydney staying over at his place which Jarin didn't mind anymore. These days, Sydney was generally fun to be around. And it wasn't like he was forcing him to do anything. Jarin would shoot him down, run away awkwardly, or babble like a maniac and Sydney let it go. For a while. But he was coming on stronger and stronger.

Jarin had just shut his eyes when he heard the grumble and sigh in his ear. The massive arm over him gave him a squeeze. He felt the scratchy beard burrow into the back of his neck, “Ain't you ready to blossom yet, lil’ flower?”

“Blo-” Jarin gasped and threw his head back, clocking Sydney in the brow. How he grabbed onto his hips like that set Jarin on fire every time! Like being simultaneously electrocuted and lit on fire. “Sydney,” he moaned. Not a sound he knew he could make. He leaned into his arm, trapped next to him. He shook his head, feeling lightheaded and faint, “D-don't grab so hard.”

Sydney chuckled and tilted his chin over Jarin's head, “Who's grabbing who, dipshit?”

Jarin flinched and realized the truth of the situation. He had grabbed a hold of both Sydney's arms and what Jarin thought was Sydney tightening his grip was actually Jarin pulling him even harder to him… he was stunned. He hadn't even realized what he had done… he whimpered at his own demise. Why would he do that?

“Yer hangin’ on to me like you got somethin’ on her mind, Princess.” Sydney left him be for the time being. Spook the foal too hard and it runs away. Let the foal come to you and it stays.

“I-i… “ Jarin swallowed hard. “I think...I want to...but…” he squeezed his eyes shut. What was he saying!? What changed!?

“What do you have to be scared of?” Sydney asked gently. Most people thought of Sydney as some giant jackass void of feelings and lacking the ability to give a damn. Most people were right. But even someone like Sydney, deep inside, did have a sliver of kindness. He showed it in expressions so small, most never caught the glimmer. Even Jarin rarely understood. Even now…

Jarin panted, clawing at Sydney's arm and leaning into it harder. He couldn't shake it from his mind. Sydney's persistence. He must have some sort of feelings for him. He had to. That's what sex meant! And his moms would say, “If you really love someone, you'd do anything for them to make them happy.” Anything. Even…

Jarin whimpered again, shuddering hard, feeling his walls crumble. “Okay,” he breathed. “I'll do it.”

Sydney sat up, dragging his arms out of Jarin's clutches. He looked almost dumbfounded, “Huh.” He didn't hear him right. No way.

Jarin sat up with tears in his eyes, trembling like a leaf in a hurricane. He sniffed hard, clenching his fists until he couldn't take the space between them anymore. He grabbed Sydney's wrist and dug his nails into him, “I have sex with you, Sydney.”

Sydney stared up at him. He couldn't believe it. The nun. He finally broke him. He had finally dragged him down from his clouds in Heaven. And even so, in the darkness of that bare room, he looked even more angelic as he offered Sydney his own halo.

Jarin didn't see Sydney tighten a fist, his knuckles go white, his veins bulge, pumped with indescribable anger. All he saw was the cocky grin on Sydney's face. “Well, goddamn, Princess. Is that all?”

Jarin smiled nervously and nodded, letting out his tension in little gasps. He liked Sydney very much. He was beginning to even love him. No, if he was willing to have sex with a man before marriage, he definitely loved him. There would be no other reason. “What do i… do?” as if Jarin's cheeks weren't red enough, they were crimson now. He only vaguely knew how a man and a woman did the act. And that was from health class many years ago. But Jarin didn't have girl parts. Did he have to have breasts too? Oh God, he should have googled this.

Sydney pulled himself up and grabbed Jarin's arms. He pulled him down onto his lap, growling, “Oooh, I don't think it'll take you long to figure it out. Feel that?” Sydney grabbed Jarin's hips and dragged him back and forth over his dick. He hooked his chin over Jarin's shoulder as his moaned again. Music to his ears. Just what he wanted to hear. So pure and passionate. He rammed his hips up to that fat ass just so there was no mistaking what he was in for. And to get one more gasp and airy, “Mmyea!” Out of Jarins lips.

Sydney sneered and kept rocking his ass until he couldn't take it much longer, “Trust me, you haven't felt nothin’ yet.” He shoved Jarin forward, off his lap. Lust was taking over. Sydney flung his underwear off and tugged at Jarin's shorts.

Jarin gasped and snatched the hem of his shorts before he was left totally exposed! “W-Wait! Do I have to be naked!?” He looked over his shoulder in panic! He didn't want to be naked for any reason! He signed up for sex, not nudity!!

A momentary silence… “...are you...human?” Honestly, even Sydney was beginning to question it.

“Yes!” Jarin snapped at him and gave him a pouty look. That wasn't fair to ask something silly at a time like this! He was already embarrassed enough as he was! And he was getting that tight, weird feeling in his pants that he wasn't supposed to have! “I-I just don't see why-”

Sydney rolled his eyes and grinned again. He lurched forward, tugging his shorts down more and more, pressing his hips against that ass. He chuckled, resting his bare chest on Jarin's back, “How else am I gonna get all this in ya?”

“G-get wha-!?” Jarin felt it. He felt that horse of anatomy. He ducked down and looked between his legs- “O-oh God. Oh my God. S-Syd Sydney. Th-that's-w-w-how...holy shit.” Jarin's mind was firing blanks. He had seen Sydney naked before, sure. But he had never seen him fully erect and now that he had...he was honestly terrified. It was twice the size of Jarin's average build and had a girth that made Jarin lightheaded. “I'm gonna throw up-” Jarin leaned away to crawl off the couch. He wasn't ready, he wasn't ready for that thing between his legs. He'd die. He'd be impaled or ripped in half. He wasn't ready.

Sydney caught him by his waist, “Don't be such a chicken shit. You got an ass big enough for three of my dicks stuffed in there.”

Jarin went limp in his arms, “I'm seriously going to throw up…”

“Then lemme take yer mind off it, Princess. First rule: spread ‘em.” He slapped the inside of Jarin's thighs and shoved them apart. Back on task. Sydney mounted up over Jarin again, pushing his shoulders down. He didn't have to see the situation for what it really was. There wasn't some man underneath him. Just some person named Jarin. Just some angel-

Sydney grunted as he lined his dick up to Jarin's ass. Fuck, yes. All he wanted right now was right there. He needed the animalistic sensation, domination, the testosterone-fueled drive. He heard Jarin call out and squirm under him. He held him firmly and steady, “You're mine, Princess.”

His!? Jarin panted hard and grit his teeth. His!? He was Sydney's Princess!? Or...Sydney's person of significance!? Jarin's heart fluttered even as his shaking increased. “I wanna be yours, Sydney.” Jarin obediently lowered his back, submitting to him, shifting his hips down. He was right. He was figuring out what he had to do. This was it. A high display of affection and love. Jarin would let him take every drop of his innocence.

Jarin threw his head back, grabbing the couch harder and wailed. It hurt! It hurt so much! Sydney was pressed so hard into him, he thought he'd be rip open.

(PSA from Drasayer: please be nice to butts and use lube. <3)

Sydney grit his teeth and thrust a little harder. God, he wanted inside of Jarin so bad. He was so fuckin’ tight. He grabbed a hold of Jarin's shoulders and gave a tug to pull him back onto his dick. He growled and grunted feeling the ‘pop' of the head of his dick finally slipping into him. Fuckin, dammit! More already! He vaguely heard Jarin's moans turn into cries. Deal with it in a moment. If he could just get deeper… Sydney reached back and tried spreading his ass more. Which made Jarin tense and cry out again. Again, Sydney didn't hear him. He had one thing on his mind; dominate.

He pulled out and shoved two fingers into him instead. He would fuck him. And fuck him good. The little shit deserved getting fucked into oblivion. And then he heard that pathetic cry. The same cry from when he was laid out in a pile of broken glass with a black eye… it made him pause for a moment and look down at more than just the body underneath him, but the actual person, “...hey. what the fuck are you cryin’ for?”

Jarin sniveled and sniffed, wiping his tears frantically and shaking his head. “I'm no good! I'm trying so hard but it hurts so much. I wanna be good for you. I wanna make you happy!” He sobbed. Curse his stupid body for shaking so much and not being able to tolerate sex! It wasn't fair!

Sydney honestly wasn't surprised he cried before he even got his dick all the way in. Genetics made it pretty rough on all of his sex partners. But...wanting to make him happy? Jesus Christ. It was just sex. But this wasn't going to work like this. He sighed and backed off, “Turn over.”


Sydney picked him up and turned him over, pulling his shorts all the way off. Jarin squealed and cupped himself before Sydney could catch a glimpse at something so embarrassing like a boner… Before he could squeak another word, Sydney leaned down again and kissed him to shut him up. He could feel Jarin relax and his hips open up again. Sydney moved in closer, pressing himself down on Jarin. “Grab a hold of me.”

Jarin was in a bit of a daze, “Grab a hold?”

“If your scared, then hang on to me. I ain't goin’ nowhere.”

Jarin slowly slid his arms under Sydney's and maybe for the first time ever hugged him? Like...really hugged him. It was...he was so warm and firm. Like he was perfectly safe underneath him.

Sydney stayed low. To stay down where Jarin could keep a hold on him like the baby he was and so Sydney still didn't have to acknowledge fucking a guy. He wasn't about the gay life.

“Just hang on, Princess. I have you.” He spat in his hand and rubbed it between Jarin's legs. He had only fucked women before. Of course he forgot one crucial difference; no natural lube. Jarin was not going to be able to walk in the morning. Buuut he was a virgin that didn't even know he had to drop pants for sex. He wouldn't know about lube either. Dumbass.

(PSA from Drasayer: no really, please use lube on butts <'3)

Sydney felt his nails sink in as he pressed up against him. Hot. Jarin gasped in Sydney's ear which turned into a raspy moan as Sydney pushed his dick back into him. Even hotter. Sydney growled, flexing over him, pulling Jarin at the shoulders. Goddamn, a tight fit.

Jarin was a chorus of moans and gasps, wriggling underneath Sydney. This was sex. This was really sex! The grind, the push, the raw pain, yet something in his core was thirsty for more! More! “More,” Jarin blurted out in a moan. “I can take more!”

Fuck,” Sydney grunted. If he wasn't already rock hard, he was painfully swollen now. “You lil’ slut,” he chuckled. Who would have thought? Well, only one way to cure both their “problems”. Sydney hunkered down and really thrust himself into Jarin, his abs rippling with brute force. He hissed, feeling Jarin take a layer of skin off his back. The sting made Sydney thrust again for revenge. If he was gonna scratch the shit out of him, Sydney was gonna fuck the shit out of him. Equivalent exchange.

Jarin moaned loudly, throwing his head back and arching his back. Loud enough even his dog skittered into the other room to hide. Sydney purred, hearing that upward pitch at the end that he knew was a positive. He grinned and pumped his hips real slow, letting the newbie feel it out, “You like it, don't ya, Princess?”

Jarin shoved Sydney's shoulders up, panting hard and looking him the eye. His face was flushed, eyes watery, drool dribbling down his chin, but a hungry look, “Is this what it's like? Am I doing it right?”

Sydney had a shit-eating grin on his face. He was surprised at the look he was getting. No way. No way in hell that Jarin was some hidden fuck fiend. No fucking way. “News flash, Princess. You're getting fucked.” Sydney shoved his dick all the way in just to make his point clear. There was no mistake. Captain Virginity, Chastity boy, No Sex Before Marriage, was finally defeated. Dragged into the realm of pure pleasure.

Sydney's groin lit on fire as he watched Jarin bloom underneath him. The way he latched a leg over him, gripping onto him, arching his back, and letting all the heavens know of his deeds, “Yes! Oh God, yes! Can we keep going!?”

Sydney chuckled, low and husky. He dipped down, rocking his hips upwards to dig at him. No bars held after that display of a hidden succubus. Sydney fucked into Jarin hard. The more Jarin ripped at his back, the harder Sydney rammed his dick into him, making him moan louder and louder. He was honestly surprised and kind of delighted Jarin was a screamer. He had him pinned as the quiet, crier but his wails of pleasure really had Sydney going.

Being as inexperienced as Jarin was, his longevity was short lived. But being as inexperienced as Jarin...he had no idea what he body was trying to do either. Jarin gasped and whined loudly, jolting up, “S-Sydneeey! I-I-im gonna, oh god!” He jerked and threw himself back, raking more skin from Sydney's arm. He panted hard, squeezing his eyes shut and gritting his teeth. His breath was hot and rapid, his body shaking. He felt so alive. He felt so good. Odd from being in pain but pleasurable.

All at once, it hit him like a tidal wave. His back jerked upwards and Jarin felt the most incredible sensation he had ever felt. Better than any warm chocolate cake. Better than any ride he had been on. Better than anything he could even compare it to! He couldn't even form the words as his whole body shuddered and nothing but a angelic moan left those rosy lips.

Sydney slipped an arm under the small of Jarin's back, lifting him up into his orgasm. He smiled with pride as the flower boy had a hands-free climax. Impressive. But more so, it just boosted Sydney's ego higher. Yea, he just fucked that good. Even without lube. And Jesus, did he tighten up around Sydney. He could choke a cock-

“I peed…”

Sydney jerked out of his blissful pride-parade and looked down, “Huh?”

Jarin swung his arms around Sydney's neck and pulled himself up. He smeared a kiss from Sydney's lips to his cheek and down his neck before he finally dropped back like a ragdoll. He cupped his red hot cheek, nibbling on the end of his little finger. “I said, I peed. Sooorrryyy,” he sang like he was completely intoxicated.

Sydney was gullible enough to actually check… he snorted, “Yer a real fuckin’ piece of work.” No, he didn't piss himself. Jizzed all over himself, yes. Flower boy need only crack open a basic sex ed book and he'd know what ejaculation meant. But it made Sydney grin. So innocently dumb. He shook his head and went back to grinding his hips into Jarin. He might be spent but Sydney wasn't done with that tight ass.

He had never seen this side of Jarin before. No one had. Panting like a bitch in heat, eyes rolled back in a land of pleasure, moans so soft and sweet, hands running through his black hair, ruffling it even more. Sydney picked up his pace, taking him all in. He growled when those soft brown eyes drifted his way, shrouded by drooping lashes. A daze but blissful look on Jarin's face. He smiled so sweetly and then bit his lip.

Sydney felt him look right through him. He was engulfed by a super-heated cloud, sapping the air from his lungs. “Aw, fuck, yea. Keep doing that, Princess.”

Jarin raised his arms up, bunching his brows together in a pout. He whined at Sydney to come be near him again as his adrenaline was starting to taper.

Sydney dipped down, resting his forehead on Jarin's, fucking him faster. Jarin clung onto him and writhed underneath him. His rock. His safety net. The man he gave his innocence to. He look up into those beautiful green eyes and whimpered under the strength of them. He was so thankful they closed over or he'd be disintegrated from their power.

It was that little squeak. Moan after ear-massaging moan, Sydney had lasted through. But he so much as makes a helpless gasp and Sydney lost his goddamn mind. He pushed his dick deep and hard into Jarin, grunted with each wave of his climax. He stayed jammed into him just a moment more, relishing over the ass he had just fucked asunder.

He finally sighed heavily and pulled out of Jarin. It made Jarin gasped and flinch again. He was still in a dazed state like he was stoned high. It made it easy for Sydney to push him aside and flop back down on the couch behind him. He slapped Jarin's ass cheek and chuckled, “Ain't no bitch-ass virgin, now, are ya, Princess? Just a regular ol’ bitch-ass.”

Jarin turned him self over to face Sydney. Sydney shifted his head back, frowning at Jarin. He looked like he was scheming something. Jarin laid his head down, looking up at Sydney with dreamy eyes, “There's no one else I would have rather had take it than you, Sydney.”

Sydney's nose wrinkled and his brow furrowed. He swallowed the sharp taste of bile in the back of his throat before putting on a grin. He patted Jarin's bare thigh, “How ‘bout you go hose yerself off, you filthy shit.”

Jarin glanced down at himself. Oh...well that was weird looking pee… and about at that time, he felt the wet, hot sensation of something dribbling down his thigh. His cheeks turned bright red again and he quickly rolled over to run to the bathroom to clean up. He yelped when his legs gave out underneath him before he could even take a step! His knees would absolutely not function underneath him, his thighs refused, and even just the slight part of his legs was enough to make him wince. He whimpered on the floor, “Sydneeeeyy, I can't.” He balled up on the floor, tugging his shirt down.

Sydney was watching his bare ass flop back and forth on the ground. He was all grins. He glanced up, taking a moment before he acknowledged Jarin's plight. He snorted, “Don't be such a fuckin’ pussy. March yer ass like a damn man.”

Jarin shook his head, looking over his shoulder and giving Sydney a pitiful face.

Sydney's smile remained. The puppy eyes didn't faze him one bit. He shrugged, “Guess yer sleepin’ on the floor then.” Sydney flopped down on the couch and turned over, stretching out and getting comfy.

Jarin whined quietly but really… the floor wasn't all that bad. He heard the pitter-patter of Griff coming to investigate now that his human was done shouting at the other. He gave Jarin's face a good cleaning before flopping down next to him for a nap. Jarin smiled and hugged his dog close to him, curling up (and wincing a little as the sting settled between his legs).

Wow. He had sex. Like real sex like a grown adult. Like someone settling down with their loved one. Sure, their relationship was a bit bizarre but Jarin was willing to keep working on it. More than anything, he was just beyond amazed that it all happened with Sydney! In love with Sydney Brannon… wow!

Sydney kept his back turned, arms crossed. It hid his pissed off face and white knuckle fists from Jarin. He couldn't lash out on him. Sydney was the one making these stupid advances at him. But his stupid smiling face just pissed Sydney off. No matter what the fuck he did to him, he just kept smiling! Why!?


Sydney sighed quietly and gruffly answered back, “Yea.”

“...thank you...for taking care of me. I...I'm happy to do more for you...if you want me to. Maybe we can-”

“Aw, shut up ‘fore I come over there an rip yer ass again,” Sydney chuckled. That shut him up. Such a nun. Sydney's smile faded again. He'd learn eventually. He was nothing but a loose bandage over Sydney's rotting heart.

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