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  • Writer's pictureDrasayer

Dirty Dancing Daddy

Featured: Dave

After an intense and rather successful day at HCL | Fan[stache]tic Father of Flight, Dave needed a way of relaxation and celebration! Now, he decided to avoid the sushi bar he had been in previously Go Hard | Fierce Falcon Five-desu. No, he didn’t need to make any more memories there. He had done enough harm there. Instead, he chose one of the classier clubs. Into the heart of a big crowd to find some local gossip. Dave loved gossip it was all juicy to him. Because of this, Dave was quite the socialite. He enjoyed conversation and exchanging stories, no matter how trivial the topic. Maybe a lovers despite here or a house pet murder mystery there? He found it all to be intriguing. It was Dave’s life goal to know something about everyone and if he didn’t, he sure knew someone that could tell him. Now that also might include a round of champagne, or two, or three…or seven…he did not mind indulging. He was a few rounds shy of buying everyone a small yacht or a private jet. Yes, he was a compulsive drunk spender. Usually, his good friend Fabian, could keep him in check. But he wasn’t in that club today so who knows what Dave ended up buying a complete stranger if he so much as bumped into them accidentally. One particular conversation spiraled out of control as the man of the couple spouted out about a certain politician that liked to find ways of indulging themselves on “exotic dancers”. “Can you believe he’d risk his reputation in the public like that?” Dave smirked and raised a brow, “So, the man has an appreciation for performing arts. I can understand his fascination.” The couple looked a bit surprised at Dave’s answer! “So, you’d partake at a strip club?” now that was juicy gossip in itself. Dave laughed right with them, “Oh, good heavens, no! My wife would dump me on the streets where I'd live the life of a pauper but that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate a true performance rather than some show, if you know what I mean.” Dave had always admired the artsier things in life. Pole dancing had more to offer than some display of body parts. It was about body control and bridled desire. Whereas, his wife, she never was the artsy one. If she wanted a show, she wanted it blunt and to the point. “You talk as if you know a thing or two, old chap!” the man goaded. Dave smiled, “I also know that I don’t show my cards for free, my good sir!” The wife of the man elbowed him in the ribs to get him to cough up. This had gotten far more interesting to just let it go without some sort of show. The man leaned forward, whispering, “Well, I’ll have you know, I’ve heard some rather humorous chatter on your coworker, Tristan Ennerstone…” Dave slammed his champagne flute down that had been refilled countless times that night. He was hooked. Dirt on Tristan? Oh, he couldn’t resist that! “Oh, you must share. You must, good sir.” The man smiled from ear to ear, “Oh, but I won’t give it away without pay.” Dave chuckled, “I see.” He downed the last of his drink in one swig and sighed with a cocky smirk, “Hold my place. I shall go collect on that debt.” It wasn’t long before Dave found himself staggering a little behind a curtain on the stage, wondering just what the hell he was doing up there… his sequin booty shorts itched… but Helena liked them so he held onto them. Aw well, do it for the gossip. Yea Dave, for the gossip. His rational self thought he was an idiot but at the same time, his young self that refused to be forgotten reared his head. The Dave that used to jump waterfalls, skydive, swim with sharks, fly fighter jets, etc. That part of Dave had no problem taking the stage as the lights and music dimmed. The curtains spread and Dave stood alone on the stage just in his suit and tie. The crowd of the club went quiet, turning their attention to the small stage with the pole. Odd. There wasn’t a show scheduled for today. The original couple Dave had been talking with gave a cheer! But they were the only ones as the rest were just confused for now. Cue the music:… Dave cracked a smirk and strut up to the pole. He wrapped a hand around it and fanned his fingers on it like he was playing a flute. The crowd started shuffling closer, wondering what in the world they were about to see. Dave turned towards the pole and gave it one hell of a bump and grind, showing incredible fluidity in his hips! He reached up and unbuttoned the top of his suit, showing a bare chest underneath. Oh, daddy still had it.  The crowd's eyes lit up with realization! The girls (and a few men) swooned! They were in for a show after all! Dave's grin grew with cockiness. They had no idea they were in for a true performance. He worked the suit coat off of his shoulders and rubbed his hands down his times core. His dad bod glistened under the bright spotlights that wrapped him in bright colors! He had one hell of a chiseled core. Helena would accept nothing short, being a Burton. That body was a work of art in itself. Toned and leaned from years of horse riding and fine living. She only wanted the finest so Dave couldn’t afford to slip even a little around her or she’d sever him in two just with a look from her intoxicating eyes Dave had fallen in love with. Dave chucked the coat to the side and wrapped a leg around the pole. He worked his hips on that pole like a real man that knew how to make a few babies like Dave. A family man. None of that fake crap in the movies. This had swagger, pull, grind, and thrust. Dave had full control of his drilling. He leaned back and pointed a toe, revealing some glistening Parlanti riding boots peeking through. Exclusive tastes. Hot damn! The crowd wanted more and Dave knew how to give it to them. The real show had yet to begin. He slowly unzipped his trousers to give a tease, running his hands down into them. Maybe a little twinkle of his shorts shined through. He paused long enough to build some suspense then just like that, he flexed hard and ripped them clean off. Gentleman one moment, hardcore lover the next. Those glittering booty shorts twinkled along with the polished Parlanti boots! Of course a gentleman left his tie and cuffs on and the crowd ate it up as the neon lights danced on Dave's fine body! But it didn’t stop there! Dave took to the pole, hoisting himself high into the air, his muscles rippling and flexing. He gave a twirl, letting them get a full view of his years of fine work. Helena was one lucky lady! Dave twirled about that pole, testing out his ripped body. He hooked his legs and to the crowd's surprised started to lean all the way back. The lights groped at every nook and curve of his toned body. Just one more prop. He swiped a riding crop from the ground and twirled around the pole. His core flexed tight and hard as he lifted himself up again, defying gravity with sheer power. He wrapped himself and moved into a sitting position with a smirk into the audience that about melted a few of the members. His cold grey eyes might look cold, but behind them was a fiery passion of a man. They thought he was looking right at them but Dave only had one woman in mind. This show was for her even if she’d never see it (he hoped she never would...). He gave that pole a dirty kiss and smacked that crop on his ass with a loud spank! Perhaps a look into something personal or perhaps Dave was just exaggerating for the hype? Only Helena would know the answer to that. Dave went for the real pose killer. His muscles worked him over as he shifted an arm to cradle himself. He flipped over elegantly and completely in control of his every movement. This was art. This was talent. Dave pointed a toe up the pole and spread his legs far and wide, getting screams of approval!! He chewed on the crop before twirling it elegantly and blowing a kiss to the crowd with a wink. A Burton would not settle for less than the best.

And it turned out, the gossip on Tristan was that he had been reported using hair dye to cover up his grey hairs coming in from stress. Dave got an honest chuckle from it! Worth it. 

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