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  • Writer's pictureDrasayer

Bad Boys, Bad Boys

Jarin had blossomed over the span of several months. He had scrapped dressage from his riding, laid back on his show jumping, and now focused on his western riding to be near Sydney. He spent the majority of his time around the big man. He was learning to be around him and like a sponge, soaking up traits from Sydney.

First, he had his hair cut and styled after Sydney mocked how long it was getting. "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down yer Princess hair~" he sang.

"You grow your hair longer than mine, Sydney," Jarin pouted. Sydney's hair grew incredibly fast! And in the winter months, he just let it go! Why was he getting mocked because it touched his shoulders!?

Sydney grinned, "Yea, but I don't look like a bitch."

So Jarin cut his hair off out of spite.

"Pink? Can you be any more of a bitch?" Sydney raised a brow at his new choice of hair on his head.

Jarin shifted on his lap, sticking out his bottom lip, "I'm not a bitch. I'm not a girl and I'm not a dog."

Sydney grinned, grabbing a hold of Jarin's thick hips and pushed his hardening dick up to him. He liked it when Jarin tried to fight back. He was bad at it, but he was trying to do it more and more. What else could he get him to do? "Heh, you coulda fooled me with that tiny dick of yers. Last I fucked ya, you sure were pantin' like a bitch."

Jarin's cheeks flushed red as he sighed sweetly. He was hooked. He needed it. He leaned forward, dragging his ass over Sydney's dick. He grabbed his shoulders, pressing his chest up to Sydney's and whispered into his ear, "Prove it~"

But it didn't stop at the hair. Jarin was being swept off shore by a tidal wave of Sydney. His mannerisms, his lifestyle, how harsh he could be, and lust after lust-filled sessions of hard love making. Once a nun, but now he craved it from Sydney. He needed more of his "love". What Jarin believed was love.

Sydney was bent over Jarin's back, feeling him shudder underneath him. God, fucking Jarin was an incredible sensation every time. No matter how often, he was always so passionate and expressive. Moaning like he had never known what sex was. Pressing himself up against him like he couldn't go on without more. Jesus Christ.

With just enough lube squeezed out of an old condom wrapper, Sydney pushed his swollen dick into Jarin making him call out loudly. "Sydney! Just put it in me already! All of it!" He groaned loudly like he wouldn't last three more seconds without a dick in him!

Sydney grinned devilishly, "I don't think I take orders from you, asshole. Don't behave and I'll fuck you slow."

Jarin glared over his shoulder, pouting at him, "Don't you dare."

Sydney shoved Jarin down and grabbed his wrists, folding his arms behind him like it was an arrest, "Bitch, I wasn't askin' for yer permission. How 'bout you shut yer fuckin' mouth-" Sydney glanced down...what the fuck? Right above Jarin's ass was the dumbest tattoo he had ever seen in his life. 'He Love You' with a dumb red heart in his ass crack. He looked at Jarin with a dumbfounded expression.

Jarin grinned like an imp, "Love me, Sydney~" As far as Jarin knew, bad boys had tattoos and Jarin wanted to be a bad boy. Sydney liked bad boys.

And Sydney fucked that bad boy into smithereens.

And Jarin was happy with this. It was exhilarating. Back-talking to Sydney, pissing him off. Jarin kept at it, more and more. He was falling into a streak of misbehaving and being rewarded with one of the most pleasurable things in life: sex.

And sex was love. Jarin was eating Sydney's love. Coaxing it out of him with barbed words and defying anything he said. That was love.

He'd do anything for him. He'd be anyone Sydney wanted him to be. Sydney wanted a bad boy so Jarin shed his morals to please him. Swearing and saying mean things. Getting a tattoo. He was blinded by his infatuation with Sydney.


And Sydney wasn't going to stop him. He had found the distraction he needed. Jarin was so bendable to his will. So easily pushed into a mold he wanted him to fill.

He knew Jarin thought it was more than what Sydney thought of it. He was some love-struck dumbass. Stupidly obeying his every command to please him. But it was a power throne Sydney couldn't give up. He needed the control. He yanked on the collar around Jarin's throat any time he got too far from him, letting the bitch know his place. Keep the monster close so he didn't go causing him more problems like spewing about what they did behind closed doors to open ears.

But even Sydney was starting to see the signs of a monster he created. In the beginning, it was some cute sass here and there. It was funny and tickled Sydney’s sense of humor. Like a puppy playing a little too rough and tearing up a pair of shoes. It was so adorable that it thought it was a bloodthirsty wolf. But now, it was getting to the point where Jarin was getting good at it. He’d find little holes in Sydney’s argument and jab a knife right in the cogs. Sydney liked a little challenge but he didn’t like his authority being threatened either. There was fun and then there was order.

Sydney knew damn well the whole thing went wrong when he let Jarin have the smallest amount of alcohol. In the beginning, it was hilarious to Sydney to let Jarin get drunk and absolutely wreck the place. He'd bounce off the walls, shouting nonsense and fighting whoever was in front of him. The kid had some wicked moves. But it got old quick, being kicked out of bars when Sydney just wanted to throw back beers and look at boobs. So he started cutting Jarin off, not paying for any drinks then Jarin couldn't afford to.

And then Jarin got crafty. A little slip of orders from the next table over. A walk to the bathroom at an empty table. He'd swipe a beer and have it half drank by the time he sat back down with Sydney to show off how naughty he had been.

"The fuck are you doin' with that?" Sydney grumbled.

"What does it look like, dumbass?" Jarin mocked, downing the rest of it. Yes, he was a real bad boy now! Stealing! That was a whole new level of affection! He hated the taste of alcohol and how it made him feel but if it was something Sydney was into, he'd do it again and again!

Sydney wondered how many he had already swiped. He let it go. He was kind of impressed he had the balls to even do it. But he wasn't going to give him the attention he wanted from it either. Even Sydney knew he was trying too hard. "Ey, Jus is comin' up fer a visit next week. Can ya not be such a slut when he's here? Maybe shave that shit off yer head?"

Jarin sighed again. He didn’t really want anything to do with Justin. He hated Justin for how he treated his moms and how he invaded him dreams with his perverted intentions. Jarin blushed a tad, shoving those gross thoughts out of his head. He huffed, "Why? I shouldn't have to do anything for him."

Sydney rolled his eyes. Of course he chose now to start defying what he asked of him. “You don't have to be a jackass about it."

“I’m not! Justin’s just…not a great person…” Jarin tried to be a bit nice about it. Although, he didn’t like him, he was Sydney’s friend. But surely he didn't have to change who he was just for someone he didn't even like.

“He's obnoxious as shit but he ain't gonna really fuck your moms, Jarin. Don’t be such a dumbass.”

Jarin huffed. He didn’t want to be reminded. “He’s the dumbass. I don’t really want him here.”

“I don’t really give a damn what you think. He’s my fuckin’ friend. I’m tryin’ to include you in shit, ya bitch. Christ. He’s comin’ up whether you like it not. Doesn’t have shit to do with you if yer gonna be an asshole about it,” Sydney spat. It was time to put the puppy back on its leash.

Jarin felt a wave come over him. It was probably egged on by the little amount of alcohol he had in his system but it just felt right. Sydney gave him crap all of the time, day in and day out. And if Jarin was picking up Sydney's bad habits as his own, it came with a temper. Sydney knew Jarin didn’t like Justin. He knew! It was like he didn’t care! Well, if he didn’t care than neither did Jarin! In fact, shame on Sydney!

Jarin snapped jumped Sydney like a cat pouncing, giving an anger shout at him! Sydney was knocked off balance and hit the floor, Jarin right on top of him. Jarin reared back and walloped Sydney a good, hard punch right across his cheek, “You’re the asshole!” He punched him again to let him know it was not a fluke the first time.

Sydney’s temper sparked and the alcohol in his system was like gasoline. This was the first time the drunken horror turned on him instead! He turned over, throwing Jarin off of him into the neighboring table. Sydney was back to his feet, ready to blast a good one at the little terror that was Jarin. He'd give him one more chance to back off but he wasn't about to let Jarin try to beat on him.

The fight was on, hair raised and teeth bared.

Jarin untangled himself from the barstool and lunged at Sydney again. He dodged the arms of a bystander trying to break them up. He flung himself at Sydney, landing another punch at his ribs.

Sydney had enough of Jarin's shit. The punch to his ribs set him off. He didn't actually think he had to physically beat the shit out of him but if he wanted to fight it out like a man, he wouldn't deny him the opportunity. It was about damn time they spoke the same language. Sydney wailed a good solid hit under Jarin's ribs, lifting him off the floor.

Jarin crumbled to the ground, coughing and holding his stomach, groaning loudly. Thanks to the alcohol, he had yet to feel the full force of the blow. He jumped to his feet but Sydney was on him already. Sydney shoved him back over another table, knocking food and glasses to the floor. He gave Jarin two heavy punches to the jaw, making it clear that he wasn't messing around, “Think yer hot shit, motherfucker!? It’s time you remember your motherfuckin’ place!”

Two big dudes teamed up to pull Sydney off Jarin. They tugged at him and pulled him to the door. Sydney shook them loose to catch Jarin who came running at him with fury.

Jarin scooped up a barstool and hurled it at Sydney, “I'm not your fuckin' pet!”

Sydney brushed the stool away where it crashed into the front window, shattering it to pieces. He then had Jarin to deal with right behind it. He caught him mid-jump and slung him to the ground like a sack of concrete.

More big dudes were swarming the two to get them to take it outside before the other patrons got injured. This was turning into more than a drunken brawl. It was getting personal.

Jarin slid into the glass, scraping his shoulder, elbow, and palms open. He hissed as blood beaded to the surface of his wounds. He wasn't through with Sydney. Emotions had boiled over and it was about a lot more than having Justin come out. It was raw emotion at this point. He staggered to his feet but was scooped up by his collar and jerked around to the front door. He was shoved outside along with Sydney. One man held Jarin back. Two held Sydney.

The owner of the bar came through behind, “I've called the police. If you don't wanna spend the night in jail, I expect you two to part your separate ways.”

Sydney threw his chin up, “You hear that, you little bastard? I'm not saving your ass this time. Ungrateful son of a bitch!”

Jarin ducked around the man trying to control him and charged Sydney again. “I don't want your help, asshole!” Jarin jumped around the two men in front of Sydney and tackled Sydney to the ground. He stuck close to him so he couldn't throw him off. “I don’t want your help!”

"Fuckin' liar!" Sydney yanked him off by his hair and threw him off, snarling and tugging against the two guys that had him. He gave a huff as the cops lights blared down the street. he backed off immediately.

Jarin, on the other hand, was far too drunk and emotional to bother. He was sobbing by this point like somewhere in his head, he knew he needed to stop. But he couldn't. He tried to have another go at Sydney but was tackled by police. He screamed and fought against them. They were stopping him from showing his love! This is what Sydney wanted! He wanted him to do this...


He went too far.

That echoed in Jarin’s mind as he was hauled off to county jail for the night to be detained for disturbing the peace. It was only then that Jarin realized what he had become. What he had done. Why would he do these things to someone he loved?

He ended up begging Sydney to come get him out of jail. He could not let his moms know. But Sydney wasn’t going to make it easy. He had to admit he was wrong. He had to admit that he didn’t deserve the bail out. He had to admit how stupid he was.

He was a broken angel in the realm of demons and mortals. His actions had consequences and Jarin was afraid. He was so afraid to take that plunge again. He was terrified of the person he had become in such a short amount of time. Never again. He wouldn't disobey ever again.

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